Extraction Washing: What Is It and Why Is It Worth It?

Extraction washing is a deep cleaning method for carpets and upholstery that removes dirt and microorganisms. Find out why it is worth using regularly and how to prepare for it.

Extraction Washing – What is it?

Man doing extraction washing

Let’s start from the beginning, with the definition. What is extraction washing? Extraction washing is an advanced method of cleaning carpets , rugs and upholstery. The extraction washing method uses devices called washing vacuum cleaners or more advanced washing extractors for deep cleaning of fibers. Washing in this way is commonly used both when washing upholstery in households and everywhere where we deal with carpets and rugs.

Why is it worth doing extraction washing regularly?

Washing by extraction method

Carpets, rugs and upholstery are the perfect environment for the development and accumulation of various microorganisms. These are not necessarily friendly to the health of humans or animals. The fibers of carpets and rugs can be contaminated with bacteria, which can be a source of infection, especially for people with weakened immune systems. It is also worth emphasizing that mold mycelium can also be present inside, which also has a negative impact on health in the long term on our body. For this reason, it is worth performing extraction cleaning regularly.

Washing with the extraction method has a positive effect on the aesthetics

cleaning the material extractively

That’s not all, because washing using the extraction method should be done regularly for aesthetic reasons. What is it about? A dirty and stained carpet is immediately noticeable. Washing and removing stains from carpets or upholstery must be done periodically. All this is to maintain a fresh appearance and take care of the health of household members, employees or visiting guests. Regular washing using the extraction method will also allow you to maintain the durability of carpets and other materials intended for washing.

Preparation for extraction cleaning – vacuuming

Carpet extraction cleaning

The extraction washing procedure requires the provision of the necessary equipment, auxiliary materials and appropriate detergents. Before starting the professional extraction washing service, an analysis should be carried out to determine what material needs to be cleaned.

Why is this important? This is because there are materials and items that require a more delicate approach or specialist treatment. It is important to carefully check the manufacturer’s instructions and the specific properties of the material before starting the cleaning.

If the type of material is already known and can be washed using the extraction method, it is time to start vacuuming thoroughly. It is worth remembering this. Thorough vacuuming can save a lot of time in the next steps. If, of course, it is very thorough.

Preparation and use of working solution

Extraction cleaning

So, you can move on to washing. For extraction washing, you will need a vacuum cleaner or extractor , which has special tips with nozzles for spraying the prepared working solution and collecting it. When to use a vacuum cleaner and when to use an extractor?

How to prepare a working solution for extraction washing? To prepare the working solution, you will need Clinex Textile EXT, which must be diluted in proportions of 1:5 or 1:10 (depending on the dirt). Why is it important to use a professional preparation? Thanks to it, the solution will cope with any temperature, as well as any water hardness and dissolve accumulated dirt, which is associated with carrying out extraction washing quickly and thoroughly.

It is worth remembering that extraction cleaning with Textile EXT is a great way to treat hard carpets, which will not be damaged by this method. In the case of carpets made of delicate fabrics and with long pile – shampooing the carpets with Clinex Textile SHP will be a much better idea. Why? Unfortunately, washing such carpets using the extraction method may damage them.

Extraction washing with Clinex Textile EXT

Man with an extraction vacuum cleaner

The working solution prepared on the basis of Clinex Textile EXT must be applied to the surface using an extraction device. To enhance the effect, you can brush it using a hand brush with soft bristles. The next step is to collect the dirt using an extractor. This operation must be performed very carefully in order to remove as much dirt as possible from the cleaned surface.

What if stains won’t come out?

It may happen that stains remain on the carpet or upholstery. What in such a situation? First of all, it is worth increasing the concentration of the product and performing spot extraction cleaning . In the vast majority of cases – such action will prove effective. What if the stains still remain? The reliable Clinex Anti-Spot will cope perfectly with difficult stains. Thanks to its stain removing properties, it removes even the most difficult stains, e.g. ink stains. How to use this preparation? Spray Clinex Anti-Spot on the localized stain and then wait for the preparation to react. In the next step, use a clean cloth to remove the dissolved dirt.

Drying the material after extraction washing

An important issue after extraction washing is the complete drying of the washed material. How to do it? It is worth looking into dedicated fans. These devices placed on the washing surface support the drying process of washed materials. It is therefore worth taking care of the right conditions during drying. In addition to fans, the right temperature and humidity will also be useful.

Watch the ClinexEDU episode about professional cleaning of office carpets

Washing carpets and upholstery using the extraction method is very effective. However, it is worth preparing well for it first and checking if the fabrics are not too delicate, because in such a situation, instead of washing, it is better to shampoo. For more information, we invite you to our other articles.

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