Holidays in a restaurant – how to quickly clean the dining room?

The sun is shining, the temperature is high, long days and evenings... it's so nice and pleasant that you don't want to stay at home. It is in the summer that people often go for a family dinner, a drink with friends or a dinner for two at a restaurant. Additionally, if the premises has a seasonal garden, they can spend most of the day there, e.g. on a weekend off. What is a pleasure for them, becomes a moment of hard work for restaurateurs. Traffic in premises is increasing and it must be managed efficiently to ensure the appropriate quality of services provided and, of course, to earn as much as possible.

Cleanliness comes first

Nobody likes being in dusty, dirty places. Even more so if these are the interiors of a restaurant where we eat, drink and meet family and friends. Maybe not everyone is a pedant on this issue, but they certainly pay attention to this fact. Therefore, one of the main tasks of restaurateurs is to ensure appropriate cleanliness. Both dining rooms, terraces and summer gardens. As it has been proven, the best ally in this matter is professional cleaning chemicals dedicated to the HoReCa industry. Both in ready-to-use form and in efficient concentrates.

Holidays in a restaurant

Summer is the time when people use the offers offered by various types of restaurants more often and willingly. The period of holidays, trips and vacations is a time of intense work by restaurateurs and several times more traffic than in the autumn and winter months. That is why the speed of service suddenly becomes so important, but also the preparation of the room and tables for the next guests. Nothing can cope with this better than specialized and effective cleaning products from a well-known manufacturer.

It is worth taking a look at what Clinex, a leading supplier of professional cleaning chemicals specifically for the catering industry, has in its offer. In addition to the possibility of ordering individual products, there is an option to create a dedicated hygiene plan, which also optimizes the time spent cleaning the premises.


“Let’s start with the issue of washing floors. Depending on the type of surface to be cleaned, we offer several products, which are available in large capacities. Restaurateurs’ allies in taking care of cleanliness will be Clinex Blink for high-gloss floors, Clinex Floral for all types of floors and Clinex Wood & Panel for laminated floors. All these preparations will be used both for ongoing care and for maintaining cleanliness in catering establishments. – suggests an expert from Clinex.

Clinex Floral

Windows, display cabinets and mirrors

Holidays in a restaurant, and since holidays mean sun. The sun highlights all imperfections on the windows. Therefore, Clinex Glass in the form of a ready-to-use liquid is perfect for cleaning windows, mirrors and other glass elements. This professional preparation does not leave the effect of dried water drops. Additionally, it protects the cleaned surfaces against the rapid deposition of further dirt and dust.

Countertops and furniture

Clinex Table, a universal cleaning liquid, can quickly and efficiently clean countertops and bar equipment. If pieces of food or drops of drinks have fallen on upholstered furniture, there is no need to worry. Clinex Textile Foam will quickly deal with this – a foam preparation used to manually remove dirt from upholstery.


In turn, for ongoing air freshening and neutralization of unpleasant odors, the ready-to-use, efficient Clinex Air preparation, available in several pleasant scents, will be ideal. It has a pleasant aroma, but most importantly – it quickly and effectively neutralizes unpleasant odors.

As you can see, a cleverly designed hygiene plan with allies in the form of professional cleaning products. This is a very helpful tool in the daily work of a restaurateur. Good habits result in efficient service for guests of catering establishments, and thus – a good night’s sleep for their owners. On the Clinex website, you can create your own hygiene plan tailored to your needs, and the holiday period in a restaurant does not have to be a time of chaos.

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