Surface disinfection

Bacteria, viruses and fungi are virtually everywhere. They are found on everyday objects, on catering and sanitary equipment, door handles, and even in the air we breathe. Some of them are dangerous to us, and the presence of others is necessary for our health. To protect against those that pose a threat, disinfection should be carried out. Especially in public places where disinfection is required "ex officio" to eliminate the threat. These include: medical facilities, hotels, dormitories, kindergartens, schools, beauty salons, and catering facilities.

What does disinfection mean and its types?

Disinfection aims to destroy pathogenic microorganisms and their spores, including viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. However, this treatment does not completely eliminate microorganisms, i.e. the disinfected material does not remain sterile. Full sterility is achieved in the sterilization process used in hospitals.

There are two types of disinfection: physical and chemical. Physical disinfection uses temperature or UV radiation. Various types of substances are used for chemical disinfection, for example: alcohols, phenols, halogens and their derivatives, oxidizing compounds, aldehydes, organic and inorganic acids. An ideal disinfectant should be effective against all microorganisms. The effectiveness of disinfection is influenced by the duration of action and concentration of the preparation, temperature, pH, humidity, number of microorganisms and type of microorganisms. Disinfectants need a certain amount of time to work. The bactericidal effect can be achieved after 5 minutes, and the fungicidal effect after 15 minutes. The longer the action time and the higher the concentration of the disinfectant, the more microorganisms we will destroy.

Hygiene in public places

Maintaining proper hygiene in public places is a very important factor ensuring our safety. Disinfection is aimed at destroying harmful microorganisms that can cause food poisoning and diseases. That is why the Clinex brand offers products for this purpose. These products are registered with the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products, they have the necessary documentation and registration number, and have undergone a number of tests proving their effectiveness. The products the brand can boast of include Clinex Barren , Clinex Nano Protect Silver Table, Clinex W3 Bacti, Clinex DEZOFast and Clinex Nano Protect Silver Nice.

Disinfection of surfaces in contact with food

Clinex Barren and Clinex Nano Protect Silver Table are products used for washing and disinfecting surfaces in contact with food. Clinex Barren was created on the basis of tertiary alkylamine with bactericidal and fungicidal properties and has a broad spectrum of action. It can be used in cosmetics plants, solariums, public utility institutions, in the dairy, meat, food and catering industries. Clinex Nano Protect Silver Table is a ready-to-use product and does not require rinsing. It is suitable for daily disinfection of rooms, tables, countertops, kitchen appliances, containers, and interiors of refrigeration equipment. Thanks to the content of ethanol and active NANO silver particles, the preparation destroys bacteria, fungi and spores. Clinex W3 Bacti can also be used to disinfect surfaces in contact with food, but its main purpose is to disinfect and clean sanitary rooms. The active substance used in this product is glycolic acid.

Disinfection of air conditioning and ventilation

Ventilation and air conditioning devices are responsible for the spread of pathogens inside the rooms in which they operate. This happens due to the very principle of air conditioning and ventilation systems and devices. Ventilation, by sucking air from outside the building and distributing it to internal rooms, involuntarily sprays circulating bacteria, viruses and other pathogens.

The operation of air conditioners is based on changes in pressure and temperature inside the devices. In this way, we obtain the desired low temperatures, but with them we also obtain microorganisms that are harmful to health. A change in temperature causes condensation to appear on the air conditioning elements. Moisture creates perfect conditions for the existence of all microorganisms. However, this can be counteracted by effective disinfection of air conditioning and ventilation.

The process of effective and lasting disinfection can be carried out using professional preparations. It is worth using proven, effective and, most importantly, tested means. If we want to act comprehensively, the best solution is DEZOFast. It works immediately by destroying all types of fungi, bacteria, viruses and spores. However, in the case of disinfection of air conditioning and ventilation, the device must be washed with clean water to get rid of detergents that may enter the respiratory tract. DEZOFast is worth using for so-called high-level disinfection, i.e. when we want to effectively get rid of pathogens and their spores.

Clinex Nano Protect Silver Nice and Clinex A/C – dedicated to air conditioning!

Other preparations can also be used instead. Also noteworthy is Clinex Nano Protect Silver Nice, which makes cleaning the surface extremely easy. Clinex Nano Protect Silver Nice is a preparation for disinfecting air conditioning and ventilation. Thanks to the content of active NANO silver particles and ethanol as an active substance, it eliminates bacteria, fungi and their spores, while delaying their re-reproduction. This product should be used after using Clinex A/C , which is used to clean air conditioning.

Find out more: Sterile cleanliness on surfaces in direct contact with food

Disinfecting the surface will be of little use without first cleaning it of dust, dust and all solid contaminants. This is important because it mainly creates good living conditions for unwanted tenants, which are the microorganisms in question. The best and completely expected results are obtained when the air conditioning is free of all dirt that attracts microorganisms and can hide deep in them, making disinfection much less effective. Using these two preparations together ensures that there will be no microorganisms floating in the air.

Disinfection of surfaces for various types of applications

In times of the spread of harmful pathogens, viruses and bacteria, disinfection of surfaces for various types of applications is extremely important. A universal disinfectant that works on all waterproof surfaces is the professional Clinex DEZOFast . This preparation is a unique bactericidal and virucidal agent that has many applications. It is used from catering rooms and items to medical offices’ rooms and equipment.

Removes all biologically active substances, bacteria, viruses, fungi, spores and yeast. The preparation is able to work effectively even in an environment that contains dirt or blood that has not been fully removed. A very important feature is the method of applying the preparation. As the container has an easy-to-use sprayer, it can disinfect the surface without having to touch it. If necessary, it can also be applied with a cloth. Disinfects without exposing the user to unpleasant health effects.


Disinfection is one of the most difficult processes, requiring compliance with many rules such as concentration, exposure time and temperature. However, if carried out regularly, it ensures our safety. It is important to use only professional, tested preparations with appropriate documentation for this process. Only such agents are able to ensure perfect disinfection of the surface and remove any pathogen from it.

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It is worth emphasizing that failure to follow the basic rules for using preparations, which the manufacturer always places on the product packaging, is very dangerous. Apart from the fact that improper use of the preparation often causes its waste, it should be remembered that this also results in limited or zero effectiveness. The problem occurs when an undisinfected surface is considered completely clean. This causes the unintentional spread of harmful microorganisms, which can quickly lead to serious health complications. That is why proper and professional surface disinfection is so important, and the appropriate selection of the preparation is the basis for safety.

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