1,000 bags of garbage collected in Polish forests!

The #ClinexCleanPolskę campaign, which has been running since autumn 2023, is intended to encourage Polish Planet Heroes to clean up Polish forests. We have the first results! Despite the autumn and winter months, we managed to collect 1,000 bags of garbage in Polish forests!

Cleaning up garbage from forests pays off

60,000 liters of garbage disappeared from Polish forests

From October 2023, we encourage you to participate in joint work for a clean environment! Thanks to our cooperation with Clinex, we can additionally offer our users financial support in the form of subsidies! Each bag of garbage collected is worth PLN 20, which goes to the Planet Heroes user account.

Our users clean up Polish forests, where unfortunately we still find a lot of garbage. However, each collection of waste from green areas is of great importance! Especially in spring, when nature comes to life and trees, bushes and lichens become green again and should not be poisoned by toxic waste, plastic bags or broken glass.

1,000 bags equal 60,000 liters of garbage that no longer pollutes Polish forests. More than 180 bags collected are glass, which can be almost entirely recycled. Similarly, plastic garbage, which constitutes most of the waste found in Polish forests (old plastic bags or PET bottles). This is a large base for recycling garbage !

Why is forest cleanup important?

100 bags of garbage collected in Polish forests

Our campaign continues! With the arrival of spring, we encourage you to clean up the forests even more. Why?

Let’s keep going! #ClinexSprzątaPolskę

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