The skills of a hairdresser are irrelevant if the basic rules of hygiene and cleanliness are not followed in his salon. After all, you visit a hairdressing salon to leave with a perfect hairstyle, not fungus or coronavirus! Check what cleaning and disinfection activities are necessary in the hairdressing salon.
Many people visit your hairdressing salon every day. Each of them unknowingly brings various types of viruses, fungi and bacteria to our hands, clothes and hair. Without proper hygiene and disinfection, touching the doorknob when entering or leaving the salon may attract up to thousands of microbial cells to the skin! Leave the same amount as well. And this is just the beginning, because the lack of disinfection of the workplace and hairdressing tools, such as scissors or razors, may cause serious diseases not only among employees, but also among customers of the hairdressing salon. So what should you do to keep it safe and clean?

In every hairdressing salon, you can indicate areas that require daily cleaning, washing, disinfection and even sterilization. There are also those that require disinfection after each use. We will indicate them below:
Area 1: Waiting room
Not every hairdresser has it. However, everyone has an entrance and a place where customers can sit and wait for their turn. This is an area where many microorganisms can reside. It is true that not every customer will decide to accept the service and wait on the couch, but everyone who enters and leaves the salon will open the door. Therefore, make sure to disinfect door handles even several times a day. Use the Clinex DEZOMed disinfecting and cleaning preparation for this purpose. It is a concentrated aldehyde-free agent that removes bacteria, yeast, fungi, viruses and spores from the disinfected surface. Apply the preparation onto a microfiber cloth and wipe the door handles with it – both the inside and the outside.
You can do the same with a sofa if it is covered with a wood-resistant material or with objects that are often touched by customers, such as a glass table (each time check the label whether the preparation is suitable for use on the surface you want to clean). If you have a reception desk in your living room, apply DEZOMed on the countertop surface and spread it with a cloth. Wait a while and then wipe the countertop dry.

Area 2: Hairdressing station
The purpose of disinfecting and cleaning surfaces is to reduce the risk of spreading infections in all zones at risk of infection. These include places where haircuts, shavings and dyes are done. You can remove microorganisms and dirt from any waterproof surface using Clinex DEZOMed, which has a disinfecting and cleaning effect at the same time. Wipe customer seats, mirrors and furniture where you hide your work tools, i.e. scissors, comb, hair dryer, straightener. Remember that when coughing or sneezing (most microorganisms are transmitted through droplets), the client may infect the area around him. Even up to a distance of 2 meters! In turn, for quick disinfection, you can use the DEZOClinic product, which has a virucidal effect within 60 seconds, as well as bactericidal, fungicidal and tuberculocidal properties.

Disinfection of hairdressing tools is necessary
Pay special attention to hairdressing tools, because they are in contact with the skin – not only of the clients, but also yours! Can you imagine how many pathogens can be transferred to other people if the client was a carrier of germs and you did not disinfect the scissors or comb?! According to the law, a hairdresser should use only clean, disinfected and even sterilized (if tissue damage) tools for hairdressing treatments. Therefore, after performing the service, immerse the scissors, razor, blades and razor attachments in a glass bowl filled with a disinfectant solution with a broad spectrum to combat the growth of fungi, bacteria and viruses. The container into which you put the tools should be resistant to the preparation. If the instruments require it (tissue damage has occurred), sterilize them.
Area 3: Washer
Washing and disinfection should also be carried out in the washer area. When washing the client’s hair, germs are sprayed with water droplets. When sitting down, he often touches the chair. So remember to wipe it with a cloth moistened with Clinex DEZOMed . Disinfect the washer after each use (by the client) by spraying it with disinfectant liquid. If possible, wait a few minutes, then rinse the inside of the washer and wipe its entire surface dry.
Area 4: Floor
The floor in a hairdressing salon should be cleaned regularly. And although this is not a surface that is touched directly, microorganisms and germs fall to the floor along with the hair and styling preparations sprayed over the head. Therefore, wash the floor surface every day with preparations that, in addition to removing dirt, will also remove pathogens dangerous to human health.
The touch zone in a hairdressing salon is subject to higher cleaning and disinfection requirements. They are met by the aldehyde-free, professional Clinex DEZOMed agent. On March 6, 2020, the preparation received permission from the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products, permit number 8737/22 – February 8, 2022. It is a preparation that fights the coronavirus. Therefore, it will work well in frequently visited places.