4 mistakes when using professional chemicals. What to avoid?

Professional cleaning products are definitely different from household chemicals that are used every day at home. The vast majority of professional cleaning products are highly concentrated products that need to be diluted in water. Additionally, their cleaning power is much greater. For this reason, there are many things you should avoid when using professional cleaning products. Mistakes do happen when using professional chemicals. Below we will explain how to avoid them when cleaning.

Professional cleaning products – what are they?

Using high-quality cleaning products is one of the most important steps in maintaining hygiene and cleanliness. Professional cleaning products are products that are not ultimately available on supermarket shelves. These preparations are intended for professional use by specialized cleaning companies that know how to use them so as not to cause unnecessary damage. In one of the last articles, we compared the differences between professional and home chemicals . The use of professional chemicals without familiarizing yourself with the dedicated materials may lead to many unpleasant situations. After all, mistakes when using professional chemicals can be costly.

Mistake 1: Buying low-quality products

Woman washing the table

Not every product that has the word “professional” in its name actually is. There are many products on the market that have nothing to do with professional cleaning products. It is very easy to fall into the trap of buying very cheap products in order to make a larger profit. However, in the case of commercial cleaning products, purchasing cheap and low-quality products will only lead to higher final costs of the cleaning service provided. Therefore, it is worth choosing professional cleaning products of good quality .

Products that are certainly professional cleaning products are the Clinex brand. These are products that have been manufactured to the highest standards for many years, but also products that have found recognition in the eyes of the largest cleaning companies in Poland.

Error 2: Failure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations

Woman cleaning the desk top

A huge mistake when using professional cleaning products is not following the manufacturer’s recommendations. Inappropriate dosing of products leads to the preparation of solutions that are too weak or too strong, which may not meet the expectations when performing a cleaning service. Professional cleaning products are often used contrary to their intended purpose, which often leads to damage to the cleaned surface. In the case of Clinex products, information on use and dosage is always found on the bottles. Additionally, Clinex offers its clients dedicated hygiene plans and substantive support in the use of products.

Mistake 3: Mixing cleaning products

Woman cleaning the sofa

It is quite common to mix professional cleaning products with each other. According to many users, this action is intended to enhance the effect of the cleaning solution. However, the reality is different. This action weakens the cleaning solution and may generate dangerous situations not only for the cleaning staff and customers. For this reason, it is not worth mixing cleaning products!

When mixing the products, it is impossible to control what compounds and what effects the cleaned solution will have. It may happen that after mixing the preparations, poisonous vapors will appear, which will have disastrous consequences for health. It is worth remembering that mixing cleaning products is a big mistake!

Mistake 4: Lack of periodic product training in connection with the use of professional cleaning products

Man cleaning the sofa

The lack of periodic product training related to the use of professional cleaning products is one of the mistakes often made by cleaning companies. Like everything in the world, cleaning technology develops and changes. It’s the same with cleaning products. For this reason, training in the use of cleaning products should be carried out periodically. Lack of appropriate training may result in damage to cleaning services !

In this respect, Clinex meets the expectations of its customers. He regularly conducts product training combined with practical knowledge of the latest cleaning techniques and technologies. Such activities are part of the company’s DNA, which, in addition to sales, cares for good relationships with customers. Additionally, through the knowledge provided, it helps them save money and assist in professional cleaning processes.

We hope that our article will help eliminate mistakes when using professional chemicals. After all, this can have serious consequences and increase cleaning costs. To better master the art of effective cleaning and saving money while cleaning, we encourage you to follow our blog.

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