6 disinfection areas in consumption rooms

Nowadays, we are seeing all over the world how important occupational hygiene is in consumer rooms and beyond. In times of epidemiological threats, it is extremely important to follow occupational health and safety rules, which are crucial for every industry. What areas should we pay special attention to if we run catering establishments? How to properly disinfect places? Which products should you choose so that they fulfill their function and are safe for the health of others?

Certainly, these and many other questions accompany people who are responsible for occupational hygiene in various consumption rooms. For this reason, to help you with this issue, we have prepared a short guide that will help you learn which areas in the dining rooms should be disinfected and how to clean them properly.

Which disinfection product should I choose?

Contrary to appearances, choosing a product is the first thing to start with. Unfortunately, there is no shortage of pseudo-chemicals on the market that only destroy the cleaned surfaces and do not remove germs and bacteria in any way. So what are the characteristics of the right product for disinfecting consumer rooms?

First: the spectrum of action

It is crucial for safety that this measure works on several levels. Starting with the elimination of bacteria, through yeast, fungi and enveloped viruses. Thanks to this, we ensure maximum safety for guests who visit the premises.

Secondly: DEZOFast

Professional disinfectants in dining rooms should contain DEZOFast , which not only has excellent bactericidal properties, but also effectively fights clostridium difficile spores – considered one of the most common causes of pseudomembranous enteritis, which is unfortunately a common phenomenon in the catering industry.

Third: application in gastronomy

If we are responsible for the cleanliness of dining rooms , we must also remember to choose products dedicated to this industry. Thanks to this, we will additionally protect the life and health of all employees, customers, etc. Sometimes contact with too harmful a substance can cause allergic reactions, so it is worth remembering about it.

A great example of such a preparation is Clinex DEZOFas t, which enjoys wide interest on many levels. It is a ready-to-use professional disinfectant and cleaning agent that has the Permit of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products No. 8010/20.

Disinfection areas in consumption rooms

Of course, when we are responsible for cleanliness in such places, we should take care of every detail, which is why comprehensive disinfection and cleaning must be on the agenda. However, there are a few areas worth paying special attention to.

Area 1: door handles

Door handles are actually the first element touched by virtually every person entering a room. For this reason, it is very important to clean them regularly in times of epidemiological threat. Just spray the surfaces with Clinex DEZOFast and wipe the handle with a wet cloth.

Area 2: tables

No dining room – regardless of whether we are talking about a restaurant or a small kitchen at the workplace – functions without tables that allow you to eat a meal freely and comfortably. Many people touch them every day, so germs multiply at an extremely fast pace. It is therefore worth washing the table after each person using a bactericidal agent such as Clinex.

Area 3: chairs

Chairs, sofas and tables are also places where bacteria accumulate. Often even those that we transfer unconsciously to our outerwear. It is necessary to regularly wash both the seats, backrests and legs.

Area 4: counters and other countertops

In many places of this type, there is also other furniture, such as counters or other countertops. Unfortunately, very often their cleanliness leaves much to be desired, and it is often the first place where customers or guests go. Disinfection in this case should be crucial and take place up to 3 times a day .

Area 5: floors

The place where even invisible pieces of food or liquids fall all the time is, of course, the floor. In order to prevent the formation of fungus or other bacteria, the most important thing is regular washing and disinfection, which can certainly be done with the help of Clinex DEZOFast.

Area 6: advertising gadgets

In consumer areas, we can often come across various advertising materials. Starting from plastic containers for leaflets, through stands, and photos with certificates. This is a great place to hide dirt, which we often forget about when cleaning. Unfortunately, without washing these areas daily, we constantly endanger others. For this reason, it is worth spraying each surface with Clinex disinfectant and cleaning agent to avoid creating a breeding ground for bacteria.

We hope that our tips will allow you to keep the rooms at the highest level of cleanliness, which will certainly be appreciated by the guests who use it.

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