6 disinfection areas in parks

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Disinfection of public spaces is slowly becoming the norm. This is an essential activity in the new, pandemic reality. It is worth mentioning, however, that the disinfection process in parks has always taken place, although at a slightly lower frequency than today. It might seem that there are not many areas to disinfect in the park, after all, there is mostly vegetation there. The obvious one is all the seating. Nevertheless, in many parks we can find at least a few elements of small architecture that also require disinfection. What needs to be disinfected in the park today and how to carry out the disinfection process safely?

How important are parks to us?

The park is a place where we often escape from the hustle and bustle of the street. This is where city dwellers can commune with nature and recharge their proverbial batteries. We go to the park for relaxation, sports or recreation. For many people, greenery is a kind of escape from everyday life and a great way to relax. Many studies have been conducted that reveal the positive impact of nature on reducing stress levels. Scientists from the University of Michigan conducted an experiment that showed a significant decrease in cortisol in people exposed to nature. According to them, a twenty-minute walk in a park or forest is enough to significantly reduce the level of stress hormone.

In times of uncertainty caused by the current pandemic, we need such places and opportunities. Parks, squares and forests are teeming with life. However, for a trip to the park to be fruitful, we need a guarantee that it is a place free of microorganisms and completely safe for us. Therefore, during the pandemic, parks are disinfected much more often.

Disinfection in parks, i.e. a relaxation zone in the rain of a biocide

The disinfection process in the park is similar to other places in public space. In the case of this type of facilities, we are mainly dealing with elements of small architecture that require regular disinfection. Therefore, the most important areas are:

Each of these areas requires thorough disinfection using a professional biocide. It is extremely important that it is also effective in the fight against viruses, including coronaviruses. Of course, disinfectants should also be bactericidal and fungicidal. Only such a measure will guarantee effectiveness and adequately inhibit the development of pathogens.

How to disinfect parks?

Most areas to be disinfected are made of metal, wood and plastic. Therefore, for frequent cleaning, preparations should be used that will not have a negative impact on the disinfected surfaces. Unfortunately, most disinfection products are alcohol-based. These types of agents can be used safely only on surfaces that are resistant to its effects. Otherwise, the coating may be permanently damaged and may result in numerous damages to the elements. Therefore, it is definitely better to use chlorine disinfectants. This group includes Clinex DEZOFast , which is a highly efficient bactericide, fungicide and virucide.

This preparation has a broad spectrum of action, which is why it is used in many industries as a basic disinfectant. It was laboratory tested by the University of Silesia in Katowice, where its high effectiveness was proven. Moreover, in Dr. Sułowicz’s report we read that Clinex DEZOFast is much more effective in disinfection than 61% ethyl alcohol. This is an additional argument in favor of his choice.

Alcohol-based preparations evaporate much faster, so the area being disinfected may not be properly cleaned of pathogens. In the case of Clinex DEZOFast, the solution stays on the surface much longer, thus guaranteeing better biocidal effectiveness. This is of great importance in outdoor disinfection.

Clinex DEZOFast is the leader among Clinex disinfectants

Clinex is a leading brand of professional cleaning products that are used in many cleaning companies. In order to guarantee the highest quality and equally high effectiveness, the Clinex brand conducts numerous research and tests of the offered preparations. This gives it an advantage over the competition and allows it to create products that are highly efficient, effective, but also safe and easy to use.

Quick disinfection of surfaces in parks using DEZOFast will be child’s play. In addition, we also offer a concentrated version – Clinex DEZOFast concentrate , which allows you to save a lot of money. However, this is not the only advantage of the concentrate. The product in this version allows you to prepare a disinfecting solution at a concentration corresponding to the surfaces being cleaned. By following the manufacturer’s instructions, you can quickly and safely prepare a professional biocide to disinfect all areas in parks and beyond. Due to its composition, even when used frequently, it does not have a degrading effect on cleaned surfaces.

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