7 disinfection areas on playgrounds

(zdj. pixabay)

Disinfection of playgrounds is an activity aimed at ensuring the sanitary safety of the youngest. These types of treatments have been carried out for a long time. However, today, due to the coronavirus, much more frequent disinfection of various areas of playgrounds is required. In order for children to be able to use the devices carefree, effective but also safe preparations should be used. Moreover, most playgrounds are equipped with metal structures, which may corrode when in contact with ethyl alcohol, which is often found in disinfectants. How to avoid this and how to prepare playgrounds for the arrival of children?

How to prepare for the reopening of playgrounds? Disinfection is essential!

To fight the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 virus, proper hygiene and frequent disinfection of surfaces are essential. Maintaining an appropriate distance between people is also helpful in stopping the infection. In the case of places such as playgrounds, it is difficult to maintain distance, so disinfection becomes the only weapon.

Children are very active and curious. Especially the younger ones like to explore the world through touch and taste. So they touch everything without hesitation. Since playgrounds are visited by many children of different ages, it was necessary to temporarily close such places. However, the epidemic situation in the country is slowly stabilizing. As a result, the restrictions are gradually being lifted. However, before playgrounds are reopened to children, it is necessary to prepare properly.

Disinfection of playgrounds is a process performed regularly in most kindergartens, schools and public places. However, today general disinfection performed once a week or less is not enough. To be able to fight the invisible enemy, you must constantly ensure that it cannot settle on various surfaces. In the case of playgrounds, these surfaces are exceptionally large.

How and with what to disinfect playgrounds in school and kindergarten facilities?

In the case of disinfection of playgrounds at schools or kindergartens, the procedure should be performed every evening. Additionally, due to the current pandemic, the frequency of disinfection should be increased. The person responsible for cleanliness in this place should thoroughly disinfect all areas immediately after each group of children leaves. For this purpose, it is recommended to use highly efficient and effective disinfectants.

Unfortunately, most agents available on the market are alcohol-based in high concentrations, which may cause corrosion of materials, e.g. metal. Frequent use of this type of preparations may result in permanent damage to the cleaned surfaces. Therefore, it is worth purchasing less invasive means. The Clinex brand met the expectations by releasing a new cleaning and disinfecting product , DEZOFast .

Clinex DEZOFast is an aldehyde-free product that has strong bactericidal, fungicidal and, most importantly, virucidal properties. As research conducted by the University of Silesia in Katowice shows, this agent is much more effective than 61% ethyl alcohol. The report clearly shows that it is 6.8 times more effective in disinfection. Moreover, this product is not based on alcohol, but on didecyldimethylammonium chloride. Thanks to this, it can be used as often as required. It does not negatively affect the cleaned surfaces, which guarantees safe use.

What areas on the playground can be disinfected with Clinex DEZOFast?

The playground is full of elements that children come into contact with. When disinfecting this type of facilities, it is necessary to use the preparation on all utility devices. Clinex DEZOFast will be suitable for disinfection, among others: All kinds:

It can be used on all waterproof surfaces without worrying about their safety. This product is also available in the form of a concentrate. Clinex DEZOFast concentrate is an economical solution for cleaning large surfaces. On playgrounds, it can be used as a preparation for disinfecting rubberized floors, slides and other large-scale elements.

Ease of use is the domain of the Clinex brand, which is also used in the Clinex DEZOFast preparation. To remove microorganisms from the surface, spray the agent on it, then spread it with a cloth or mop and leave to dry completely. The use of DEZOFast does not require additional rinsing, which significantly reduces the time needed for thorough disinfection. In the case of playgrounds, this is of great importance. After all, impatient and playful kids don’t want to wait long for their turn!

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