9 places in the office you probably don’t clean but you should!

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Every employer knows that keeping the office clean is essential. Professional cleaning companies often help keep things tidy. However, very often, when we come to negotiate a contract, we limit ourselves only to basic works that will maintain general order and order. Meanwhile, there are many places that you probably don't clean at all, or you do it too rarely. As a result, they become a perfect place for pathogenic microorganisms. So check which place is especially worth taking care of to ensure hygienic cleanliness in your office.

From the article you will learn:

Where do pathogens build their settlements?

Working in an office usually involves working for many hours at your workstation. A desk, computer, telephone, a stack of documents and various office accessories – this is all that surrounds our workplace. Cork boards, folders, binders, as well as many shared devices used by everyone. Every day we touch various objects hundreds of times, leaving a lot of microorganisms on them. Unfortunately, many of them remain there for a longer time, and the accompanying conditions give them the opportunity to multiply freely. This is how colonies of viruses, bacteria and fungi are created, just waiting for the next transport. As stowaways, they end up on yet another, rarely cleaned surface. Then, growing stronger, they lead to frequent infections among employees and mass sick leave.

Facts you had no idea about!

Did you know that a computer mouse can accumulate three times more bacteria than a toilet flush? Now answer the question, how often do you clean it? Shocking, right? But that’s not the end of the interesting facts! The entire desk is one big breeding ground for germs. It collects bacteria and viruses like a magnet. Remember how many times you have sneezed or coughed at work? Or how many times have you emptied your nose because you were suffering from a runny nose? Even if you washed your hands after each of these activities, you probably forgot to disinfect your desk with an appropriate preparation, right? Yet almost 80% of infections are transmitted through touch.

Take care of hygienic cleanliness in the office!

To deal with such situations, you need to ensure hygienic cleanliness in your office. Key areas are often overlooked during routine cleaning. These are surfaces we come into contact with every day. Therefore, it is worth purchasing special preparations that will not only be effective, but also safe for the cleaned surfaces. To meet customer expectations, the Clinex brand offers a number of products that will help maintain hygienic cleanliness at every job!

So much theory, time for practice! Which surfaces do you need to clean more often?

You already know that your desk and all the objects on it can be a breeding ground for dangerous microorganisms. It’s high time to do something about it! Ironically, the solution is simpler than it may seem. Introducing a bit of effort and routine will help ensure hygiene and order in your office. However, don’t forget to clean those places that you have regularly ignored so far!

9 seats in the office
(graphic: Clinex)

When doing your daily cleaning, don’t forget to clean your monitors, mouse and keyboard. To clean such surfaces, it is worth using Clinex LCD . It is a safe agent for cleaning screens and LCD monitors of various electronic devices. Perfectly removes accumulated dust and grease, creating an unpleasant environment for germs. It will also work well for cleaning smartphones.

Wipe down your desk and office furniture more often. Use safe preparations with antistatic properties, e.g. Clinex Delos Shine . This will keep it shiny and clean and prevent dust from accumulating. Also remember to regularly clean upholstered furniture (chairs, sofas, armchairs). The material absorbs everything, sweat, dust, grease, making it an ideal habitat for bacteria. Although you may not see any contaminants on them with the naked eye, there are certainly plenty of different microorganisms there. Cleaning the upholstery may seem difficult, but using a professional cleaner it will not be so. Clinex Textil Foam is a product for quick washing of upholstered furniture. Thanks to its special formula, it cleans, refreshes colors and effectively delays the deposition of dirt. Most importantly, it does not require rinsing, so it allows you to quickly refresh all upholstered furniture.


To sum up, it is worth putting effort into cleaning the office. It is much more pleasant to work in a clean and fresh room. Therefore, let’s not forget about regular use of air fresheners. For the office, choose those whose fragrance notes create a pleasant mood, but also effectively neutralize other odors. The Clinex brand has also prepared a line of Scent products in this topic. These are universal air fresheners. Clinex Scent Magic Night , a concentrated, unique air freshener designed for offices and public spaces. It is complemented by Clinex Scent Sticks . They perform two functions – decorative and practical. They neutralize unpleasant odors, leaving a beautiful aroma in the air.

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