A revolutionary way to remove stubborn dirt and stains

There are some dirts that are considered impossible to remove. Extremely difficult, unsightly looking, remaining on the cleaned surface even after using many products, including home remedies. These include chewing gum on the carpet, tire marks on the floor, ink from a stamp on the desk or candle wax on the glass countertop. Salt, vinegar and soda do not help and in some cases even damage the surface. How to deal with it professionally?

What we are doing wrong, i.e. home methods for stubborn dirt

Difficult dirt forces us to use various agents and use less and more proven cleaning methods. As a result, we often damage the cleaned surface and the dirt is not removed. Home remedies, i.e. water with salt, vinegar or baking soda are effective only for some stains, they cannot be used on all types of surfaces. Salt particles can scratch delicate glass and wood, while vinegar sometimes causes unsightly discoloration.

How to remove a sticker from the windshield and how to remove the adhesive?

In our lives, we have all encountered two of the most troublesome dirt – glue and chewing gum residues. We try to remove traces of adhesive tape or chewing gum by scraping it from the surface. This treatment leaves scratches on the surface and permanently damages it. It is also not recommended to use highly caustic agents which, while removing dirt, also destroy the surface. You need to approach the topic calmly, focusing on proven, effective and, above all, safe methods and preparations. How to remove a sticker from the windshield ? We absolutely do not use sharp tools for this! If possible, we can gently pry the sticker with a plastic spatula and try to tear it off. In the case of paper stickers, we don’t have to do anything. Just use Clinex Anti-Spot stain remover. How to remove super glue ? Clinex Anti-Spot can also handle it! It will also make it easier to remove stickers from the car , window frames, adhesive tape stains, etc.

Professional stain removal with Clinex Anti-Spot

Dirt that is difficult to remove requires a wise selection of specially designed products. The stain remover for stubborn stains is the mentioned Clinex Anti-Spot, which removes water-insoluble dirt. It can be used on surfaces such as upholstery, carpets and all washable surfaces, including glass. Its composition has been developed to be safe for the cleaned surface, therefore no bleaching or brightening substances are used. Thanks to this, we can be sure that the cleaned surface will retain its aesthetic appearance and color. Clinex Anti-Spot is designed to remove dirt such as shoe and tire marks, tar, glue, resin, bitumen, traces of stickers and labels, candle wax, stamp and copier ink, traces of self-adhesive foil and chewing gum.

How to remove gum from clothes?

Chewing gum is an extremely stubborn stain. Anyone who has ever struggled with such a stain knows exactly what we are talking about. On the Internet you will find various ways to get rid of gum from clothes . Some people freeze it in the freezer, others scrape it off with a razor blade. Unfortunately, these methods are not only ineffective, but also dangerous for the cleaned surfaces. Clinex Anti-Spot effectively and quickly removes chewing gum without unnecessary scraping.

Clinex Anti-Spot is easy to use and comes in a practical 250 ml can. Before using it for the first time, perform a test on the cleaned surface in an inconspicuous place. Then shake the can and apply the preparation to the dirty place. We wait until the dirt dissolves, it takes approx. 1 minute. We use an absorbent, colorless cleaning cloth to collect the agent.

Universal stain remover, reliable sticker remover and more

Clinex Anti-Spot stain remover is used both at home and in offices, industrial plants and car workshops. It can be used for textile carpets with natural and artificial bristles, as well as for carpets and upholstered furniture. It is safe and effective whenever other dirt removal techniques fail. However, it is not only a universal stain remover and a great liquid for removing stickers , but also an effective way to remove wax stains . Don’t know how to remove wax stains from a monument ? Or maybe you are wondering how to remove wax from clothes or tablecloths? Reach for Clinex Anti-Spot and your stain problem will be solved!

The versatility of the product and its exceptionally safe formula allow it to be used in virtually any circumstance. If you want to quickly, effectively and safely remove stains from clothes, carpet, upholstery or other surfaces, be sure to buy Clinex Anti-Spot . This is the best weapon to fight stubborn dirt and stains!

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