Air fresheners adapted to the type of room

Air fresheners are used virtually everywhere these days. These are products used on a large scale. They are used in homes and in public places such as restaurants, hotels, offices, shopping centers and public toilets. These are places where maintaining a pleasant smell is of great importance.

Is an air freshener more than just a pleasant scent?

People love the moment when they enter a room and are greeted by a pleasant aroma right from the door. They perceive it as a signal that they are staying in a neat and well-kept place where cleanliness is paramount. In the air freshener industry, there are brands whose products are already considered pop culture icons. Similarly, there are more and more companies that have chosen one scent and try to consistently identify with it. They perceive it as one of the stimuli that increases the brand’s memorability. However, these are just a few of the many reasons why scent plays such an important role. Before choosing the right fragrance, every restaurant or hotel owner should pay attention to several important issues. The first is the chemical composition of the air freshener.

To what extent are the substances contained in air fresheners safe for our health?

A properly selected air freshener is the proverbial “cherry on the cake” of a perfectly clean room. Of course, the scent cannot be too intense or irritating, it should enhance the feeling of cleanliness and freshness. If it is intended for a room with a larger number of people, it is best to make it as universal as possible. Not everyone likes the smell of vanilla or lemon. It is important that the product used in such a room does not contain allergens – there are many allergy sufferers among us, in whom an air freshener may cause allergic reactions in the form of a runny nose, shortness of breath, watery eyes or bad mood. Unfortunately, fragrance compositions used in air fresheners may cause allergies, asthma and other health problems. Therefore, air freshener manufacturers increasingly use fragrance compositions that do not contain allergens for our safety.

Which air freshener scent should you choose?

So a distinction needs to be made here. Will the air freshener be placed in a room where the same people constantly stay? Or will it be a room where outsiders will come every day? In the first case, it is enough to obtain information from these people regarding their preferences and taste and whether the air freshener will have a negative impact on their well-being or health. In the second case, the situation becomes a bit more complicated because collecting such information is practically impossible. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a universal fragrance with a not too intense aroma and the least complicated chemical composition possible. This solution will ensure that the aroma floating in the air will not have a negative impact on people staying in the room and will eliminate the unpleasant odor that dominated the room or even the entire building before its use.

How to effectively deal with unpleasant odors in rooms?

Unpleasant odors may have various sources, e.g. kitchen odors arising from cooking or frying certain foods; sanitary, animal, sweat or cigarette smoke odors. A common cause of unpleasant odors is too rare and inaccurate cleaning, omitting certain places during cleaning, poor ventilation of rooms and incorrect disinfection. There are also cases in which the room is unstable and the furniture or devices in it make it impossible to thoroughly and regularly clean all the nooks and crannies.

Unfortunately, hard-to-reach and unnoticeable places can also become a source of unpleasant odors. However, all restaurant and hotel owners are fully aware that a well-cleaned interior is the foundation of hygienic conditions. Once the room is thoroughly cleaned, air fresheners and odor neutralizers can come into play. This is another step that should be considered before we make the final choice. You should think carefully about what you really need and what function it should serve, because air fresheners and odor neutralizers are products that differ significantly from each other.

When to use an air freshener and when to use an odor neutralizer?

The task of air fresheners is to mask unpleasant odors, while the task of neutralizers is to completely or partially eliminate the odor. Neutralizers work in such a way that the neutralizer molecules combine with the molecules responsible for the unpleasant odor and new molecules are created that no longer release any odor.

The Clinex brand offers the Nano Protect Silver Odor Killer neutralizer, which comes in two fragrance notes (Fresh, Green tea), thanks to which it not only eliminates unpleasant odors, but also leaves a delicate, fresh scent thanks to the fragrance composition. It is a modern preparation that uses active silver nanoparticles. When combined with other ingredients, it has a unique ability to eliminate unpleasant odors. Clinex Nano Protect Silver Odor Killer is characterized by a very fast and effective action, which distinguishes it from similar products. However, remember to carefully read the information provided by the manufacturer on the label before purchasing any other neutralizer. Thanks to this, we will be able to be sure that the product we want to buy will be the right one and will fulfill its function well.

Product and room

Air fresheners and odor neutralizers have a positive impact on the image of the room we are in. In many cases, they also testify about housewives or owners of given commercial premises, because the effect people see is the result of the work they have done or the decisions they have made. A pleasant scent is associated with cleanliness. However, not every product will be suitable for every room. Rooms where air fresheners are used should be ventilated and open. Air fresheners used in small rooms cannot be too concentrated. Products with a high concentration of fragrance are intended for larger rooms.

Using a highly concentrated product in a small room could have a negative impact on our well-being. We should choose professional products for specialized use. They are dedicated to guesthouses, hotels, restaurants, public toilets and other public places. These are the products offered by the Clinex brand, which has created the Clinex Scent product for large surfaces. It is a highly concentrated air freshener intended especially for the hotel and catering sector. The product has an innovative formula that allows the scent to be released for up to several days. Another product offered by the Clinex brand is Clinex Air. This is a product for everyday use. We can use it in small rooms, for example in offices. The amount of fragrance in this product is selected so that it does not pose a threat to the potential user.

Air fresheners without allergens

We must remember that fragrances contain allergens, which may cause allergic reactions in some people. That is why Clinex Air Plus air fresheners were introduced to the market, whose fragrance compositions do not contain allergens. They are safe for the user, and thanks to their revolutionary formula, they quickly and effectively freshen the air. This is an excellent choice for all rooms where there is a risk of people with allergies. Allergic people know perfectly well that air freshener can have a negative impact on their well-being. However, when they realize that the pleasant aroma floating in the air had no impact on their well-being, they will realize that they were dealing with a high-quality product and, most importantly, completely safe for health.

Air fresheners and odor neutralizers influence the image of the premises. A properly selected scent makes the room seem more cozy and friendly, and we feel comfortable in it.


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