Antistatic Cleaning Fluids. What Are They and Why Use Them?

More and more workplaces are equipped with advanced electronic devices, the correct operation of which is crucial for companies. Server rooms, offices with extensive IT infrastructure, laboratories or production plants – in such places, the use of special antistatic products during cleaning is often required. What are these preparations and which ones to choose?

What are antistatic fluids?

Antistatic floor cleaner - office cleaning

First, it is worth explaining what antistatic agents actually are and why they are so important. First of all, such products prevent electrostatic discharges, which could cause a fire. It is therefore about safety, which is crucial in rooms with a lot of electronics. Such products are required in modern offices, which are packed with various IT equipment. However, it is worth remembering that such products should meet the requirements of the CEI-IEC 61340-5-1:2017 standard. Only then will they guarantee safe cleaning.

What does cleaning using antistatic preparations look like?

Antistatic Fluid - Office Cleaning

Cleaning with antistatic products is a process that primarily focuses on removing contaminants from surfaces and preventing the formation of electrostatic charges, which can pose a serious threat to electronic devices. Why is it so important? Electrostatic charges can be created by friction between different materials, as well as by the operation of electrical devices. Since such friction is necessary during cleaning, e.g. when mopping, using antistatic products is a must. Especially since such preparations additionally protect against the re-accumulation of electrostatic charges.

Cleaning with antistatic fluids

Clinex Anti-Static graphics

The basis for cleaning in places with a lot of electronics is the use of cleaning agents with antistatic properties. Absolutely those that meet the requirements of the CEI-IEC 61340-5-1:2017 standard. In the case of flooring, for effective cleaning and removal of electrostatic charges, it is worth choosing the Clinex Anti-Static antistatic floor cleaning fluid . This preparation is valued for effective removal of dirt and accumulated electrostatic charges.

Furniture cleaning

Clinex Delos Mat

The entire cleaning process using antistatic agents also includes cleaning surfaces that are particularly susceptible to dust and electrostatic charges. These are of course not only floors, but also furniture, such as desks. Clinex Delos Mat will be helpful when cleaning desks. Thanks to its antistatic properties, it delays the process of dust settling. In addition, it refreshes the cleaned surfaces, leaving a pleasant smell.

Antistatic cleaning tools

Office cleaning

Antistatic cleaning tools are just as important as cleaning products, which must be adapted to work in such an environment. Cleaning companies must absolutely use antistatic mops or microfiber cloths. To this must also be added vacuum cleaners equipped with HEPA filters, which effectively trap the smallest dust particles and prevent them from re-entering the air and the cleaned surface.

Regularity is important

A clean office

Regularity is a very important issue when it comes to antistatic cleaning. In places where electrical equipment is used very often, electrostatic charges build up very quickly. For this reason, cleaning with specialist antistatic preparations should be done regularly, and preferably daily. Regularity will provide adequate protection, but will also contribute to a high level of cleanliness in the workplace.

Antistatic cleaning is a specialized service

Antistatic cleaning is a specialist service that is extremely important for safety and cleanliness in workplaces. Cleaning companies can easily perform such a service by using a number of appropriate techniques, tools and dedicated cleaning agents. Cleaning with the use of antistatic preparations helps extend the life of devices, minimize the risk of failure and create a safe and aesthetic work environment. In an era of increasing dependence on technology, antistatic cleaning is becoming an indispensable element of maintaining cleanliness in offices, cleaning server rooms and other places where electronic equipment plays a key role. Due to the fact that such cleaning is very important – cleaning staff should be properly trained before performing the service.


Using antistatic products is a must when cleaning offices with a lot of electronics. After all, only they guarantee safety. Therefore, it is worth choosing the right liquids with the CEI-IEC 61340-5-1:2017 certificate. Using special tools and frequent training of employees is also very important.

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