Care and cleaning of PVC floors

PVC floors are the most popular type of commercial floor coverings. They can be found in various types of buildings of state institutions, public buildings and health facilities. Sellers offer PVC floor coverings with various properties, different thicknesses and various colors. However, regardless of what type of PVC flooring we choose, its subsequent care is important.

PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) is a plastic obtained by polymerization of the monomer vinyl chloride. It is used, among others, to produce floor coverings, which are characterized by high mechanical strength and are resistant to cleaning agents in the entire range of the pH scale. Thanks to this, we can safely use acidic and alkaline preparations to care for and clean PVC floors, which allows us to remove all types of dirt.

Types of PVC carpets and their properties and purpose

PVC floor coverings may have different properties and specialized purposes, e.g. electrostatic used in server rooms and operating rooms, acoustic, sound-absorbing and anti-slip. This is undoubtedly a great convenience for specialists working in specific industries, because placing carpet on the floor significantly improves their safety. Depending on the industry, there is often an increased risk of accidents in specialized rooms. A perfect example would be a chemical laboratory where many chemicals are in liquid form. Absentmindedness or a moment of inattention is enough to break a vial or glass capillary and slip on the contents, which land on the floor. Due to the possibility of such unfortunate accidents occurring, PVC floor coverings with anti-slip properties are used in some rooms of this type. Their presence makes people in the room move with greater confidence because their movements are more decisive and faster, which translates into better workflow.

Two types of PVC floor coverings

Due to their structure, carpets are divided into homogeneous (homogeneous) and heterogeneous (non-homogeneous). Homogeneous ones have a uniform structure and are characterized by very high abrasion resistance. The wearing layer constitutes the entire thickness of the carpet. Heterogeneous carpets are multi-layered. Their advantage is the variety of colors. They can imitate the structures of various materials, e.g. wood, stone, parquet. This is undoubtedly a big advantage because you can choose a carpet for the room that, on the one hand, will play its role and increase safety, and on the other hand, will perfectly fit into the room’s decor. Thanks to this, the room will retain its appearance and will be perceived as aesthetic.

However, it must be remembered that regardless of the properties and construction, all PVC floors are exposed to abrasion by grains of sand and dust carried into the building by shoes. They then become dull, gray and more difficult to keep clean. Unfortunately, carpets are negatively affected by virtually everything they come into contact with. Therefore, not only particles carried on shoes, but also a number of other things that may come into contact with them will have a negative impact on them. However, there is a method to extend the life of PVC flooring. They will retain their properties as well as aesthetic values. However, they must be taken care of properly. A very good solution in such a situation is to use preparations containing specialized polymer additives.

The role of polymer additives and silicon nanoparticles in cleaning preparations for PVC floors

Polymers have a very positive effect on PVC floor coverings. They effectively fill micro-scratches on the cleaned surface and prevent dirt from entering the surface. The floor then becomes smoother, has a delicate shine, deepens the color, and the subsequent cleaning process is easier. Products containing polymers include, for example, Clinex Floral for hand washing and low-foaming Clinex M6 Medium .

Another solution is to use a preparation with silicon nanoparticles, which modify the cleaned surface, protecting it against re-deposition of dirt and giving the cleaned surface a delicate shine. The preparation containing silicon nanoparticles is Clinex Nano Protect Floral without allergens.

Depending on the intensity of use of the floor, we perform thorough cleaning once or twice a month. The cleaning process is extremely important. It should not be underestimated, but should always be remembered. This cleaning is the main element supporting all other care treatments aimed at keeping the PVC flooring properly clean for as long as possible. We use post-cleaning to remove detergents that may have accumulated on the cleaned surface and dirt that we are unable to remove during regular washing. For thorough cleaning, the Clinex brand recommends Clinex Floral Forte . It is a hand-washing preparation made on the basis of alcohol, so it quickly evaporates from the surface. Clinex M9 Strong will be suitable for machine washing. Therefore, before cleaning, everyone should first consider which product will be the most appropriate choice to ensure that cleaning brings a satisfactory result.

What is polymerization?

It is very common to protect PVC floors with a polymer layer. Polymerization is a process that allows us to protect the floor from damage, make it shiny and make everyday care of the floor easier. If there is no polymer coating, the top layer of the floor is exposed to abrasion. The floor then becomes gray and dull. If the surface is protected with a polymer coating, the protective layer will not be abraded. Meanwhile, the floor will remain intact. In this way, we can extend the life of the floor. Applying polymers to the floor is one of the most frequently used maintenance treatments. The protective layer created is a very good protection, thanks to which we will not have to be ashamed of the damaged floor in front of people who visit the room. If we decide to polymerize the floor, we only need to choose the appropriate polymers.

Acrylic polymers are the most popular. One of the products based on these polymers is Clinex Dispersion Soft . It is a preparation with polishing properties and creates a durable coating resistant to damage. Perfect for heavy traffic areas. It has anti-slip properties. Contains approx. 20% solids.

Application of polymers

A very good solution is to apply polymers in medical facilities. These are places with a lot of traffic. In addition to employees, many people from outside come to the facilities every day. Each of them has a different sole in their shoes and took a different route to the facility. This means that these people can deposit many different particles on the floor. This will have an invasive effect on the materials from which it was made. Therefore, medical facilities can be described as high-risk places, and the process of cleaning them is very specific. In addition, hospital floors are exposed to contact with ethyl alcohol, which damages polymer coatings. The polyurethane polymer is resistant to alcohol. The Clinex brand offers the Clinex Dispersion Hard product based on acrylic and polyurethane polymers. It is a preparation with strong polishing properties because it creates a coating that is resistant to damage and alcohol. The product contains approx. 25% solids. Floors protected with a polymer layer require special cleaning agents, e.g. Clinex Dispersion Care .

Keeping a PVC floor in good condition requires daily treatments and thorough cleaning. To obtain an exceptional protection effect, periodic maintenance should be performed. Proper care will extend the life of the floor. The Clinex brand offers a whole range of professional products for keeping this type of floors clean, because their use is simple and quick and guarantees a satisfactory effect for a long time.


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