Cleaning companies during the coronavirus pandemic – how to prepare for the new reality?

(zdj. Unsplash)

We are slowly returning to reality. However, the gradual unfreezing of the economy forces us to take a completely new look at this reality. Nothing is and will never be the same as before. Existing standards related to maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in many facilities must be updated to include the fight against the coronavirus. Today we face a great challenge of preparing to live in a pandemic reality. The basis for any functionality of offices, hotels, museums, schools or other public facilities is proper hygiene maintenance. All this with a top-down sanitary regime imposed by the authorities. The responsibility in many respects will fall on professional cleaning companies, which are already experiencing an increase in demand for their services. How to prepare your company for the new reality to guarantee the highest level of services provided?

Cleaning facilities during the coronavirus pandemic

Cleaning companies have their own standards that influence the effectiveness of the services provided. Unfortunately, nowadays many of them will no longer be able to guarantee safety related to the coronavirus pandemic. This plague changed everything. The invisible enemy is waiting for us in every nook and cranny. It’s just waiting to find a host and enter its respiratory system.

To remedy this, it is necessary to perform routine disinfection frequently, much more frequently than before. In order to reopen, many public facilities must ensure that they meet government-imposed sanitary standards. They also include information on the implementation of appropriate cleaning and disinfection procedures. This involves increased frequency of cleaning and disinfection, especially in areas such as:

The responsibility for maintaining proper hygiene in such places usually falls on external cleaning companies. The increase in interest in their services is growing significantly due to the situation we are in. To guarantee the highest standards, the company must properly prepare to provide its services.

How to prepare a cleaning company to provide services during the pandemic?

The basis of high-quality services is the use of professional cleaning and disinfecting preparations. It is their action that translates into effects, because they have a formulation adapted to this purpose. However, we cannot forget about appropriate staff training. The correct use of professional disinfectants translates into their effectiveness. Therefore, in order to provide high-quality services, you must ensure that your staff is properly prepared.

In the new reality, cleaning companies will face a difficult task. Their responsibility will not only be to maintain cleanliness in a given facility, but also to ensure safe use. Therefore, they cannot afford disinfectants that are harmful to health. On the other hand, the products they use must guarantee effectiveness in neutralizing coronaviruses.

Professional cleaning and disinfecting preparations as a basic element of the equipment of every cleaning trolley

Coronaviruses are extremely resistant. They die at extremely high (at least 60°C) or extremely low (at least -60°C) temperatures. Special disinfectants are also effective in neutralizing them. Preparations used for cleaning and disinfection must be tough on the virus, but at the same time gentle on the cleaned surfaces. Alcohol-based ones can work surprisingly quickly. However, due to the high concentration (minimum 60% alcohol), they cause rapid evaporation from the surface. As a result, we cannot guarantee that all places have been thoroughly disinfected. Moreover, the unpleasant smell of alcohol lingers in the air for quite a long time after the procedure.

However, this is not the end of the negative effects of using alcohol-based disinfectants. Many surfaces are not resistant to such high concentrations, which may lead to their corrosion and destruction. Cleaning facilities such as museums or libraries requires the use of products that are effective, but at the same time gentle on the cleaned surfaces. An alternative are professional cleaning and disinfecting preparations from Clinex based on didecyldimethylammonium chloride, such as DezoFast. This is a much milder product than alcohol-based ones. It is ruthless in the fight against viruses, bacteria, fungi and spores, but at the same time safe for cleaned surfaces.

DezoFast by Clinex, as an unrivaled weapon in the fight against coronavirus

In times of demand for strong, but at the same time safe cleaning and disinfecting preparations, the Clinex brand has met the expectations of cleaning companies. It introduced the professional DezoFast disinfectant to the market.

DezoFast is available in two versions:

Clinex DezoFast in a convenient one-liter bottle with an atomizer, as a means for direct use,

Clinex DezoFast concentrate in a concentrated version for preparing a solution.

This makes it possible to economically purchase professional cleaning and disinfection preparations. This agent has a broad spectrum of action. The research has shown that it effectively eliminates bacteria, yeasts, fungi, enveloped (including coronaviruses) and non-enveloped viruses, and C. difficile spores. Its great advantage is the fact that it cleans and disinfects even in the presence of dirt, blood or proteins. As an aldehyde-free preparation, it belongs to the group of highly efficient and exceptionally effective virucidal and bactericidal products.

Ease of use and a wide range of applications

Its application is very simple, because that was the intention. Just prepare the solution or use the ready-made product for direct use and spray it on the surface to be cleaned. After a while, just rub the agent with a cloth, because it should be used to wipe all the places to be disinfected thoroughly. Due to its ease of use, it is suitable for professional cleaning of facilities such as:

DezoFast can be used on all waterproof surfaces. It is perfect for cleaning and disinfecting large-scale facilities (floors, walls, countertops), e.g. in shopping centers, libraries, museums, etc.


To sum up, cleaning companies must prepare for the new reality. Their duty is primarily to comply with the sanitary regime and use professional and safe cleaning and disinfecting preparations. Today, it is them, or more precisely their effectiveness, that may determine the choice of a given company.

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