Cleanliness, smell and the image of the hotel and restaurant.

Cleanliness and smell are very important elements that influence the image of a hotel and restaurant. Visitors expect these places to be clean and fresh, which has a direct impact on their experience and opinion of a given place. In the hospitality industry, maintaining a high level of cleanliness and odor is the key to success and customer satisfaction. Please remember that not only the appearance, but also the smell of rooms and rooms is of great importance to guests. Therefore, it is important to ensure proper hygiene and cleanliness, as well as to ensure that the hotel and restaurant have a pleasant smell.

From the article you will learn:

A guest enters the hotel. At the reception desk he is greeted by a smiling receptionist, the interiors look very elegant and delightful. “This will be a good stay,” he thinks to himself. The check-in process takes place. The guest is invited to a chair and receives a welcome drink. He has time to look around. Exactly… at this moment he notices that the beautiful wooden floor in the lobby is badly damaged and scratched. This fact did not disturb his peace yet, after all, he had come to relax. After filling out the documents, he goes to his room and there is… an unpleasant smell from the previous tenants, probably staying with a dog. No, it wasn’t supposed to be like this.

Good first impression

How often does it happen that a very good first impression is blurred by a theoretically insignificant issue, such as the smell in the spaces around us? Contrary to appearances, very much. If it turns out that the interiors are not as neat and shiny as in the photos on the Internet, dismay ensues. A guest who finds the reality as described in the introduction feels disappointed and cheated, because it is not as great as it was supposed to be. Providing comfortable stay conditions in the form of a pleasant smell and clean interiors are very important elements. They constitute the hotel’s marketing promise. They also influence the guest’s well-being during their stay. What can the facility do to keep its word?

It turns out that it is not so difficult if we have professional support in the form of effective and reliable preparations at our disposal. When it comes to the comfort of our guests’ stay, it is worth trusting these innovative, safe and good quality products. So what’s the best way to care for a wooden floor in a hotel lobby? What products should you choose to protect and care for it on a daily basis? This is a very individual matter. The best way is to contact a specialist in this field and together select a care program dedicated to a specific type of floor. It is worth paying attention to Clinex products, which are intended for professional cleaning of wooden surfaces.

Expert recommendations

We especially recommend the concentrated Clinex Wood & Panel cleaning and care liquid , which dries quickly and does not leave streaks or stains on the surface. The use of modern technology means that cleaned surfaces are protected against re-deposition of dirt. It is much easier to keep them clean, which is extremely important in lobby rooms frequently used by guests. It also leaves a delicate shine and scent, which provides additional aesthetic values. – advises a specialist from Clinex.

Once we have taken care of the proper care of the wooden floor in the lobby, we should also think about eliminating unpleasant odors in the hotel room.

When cleaning a room, the icing on the cake will be the use of the ecological Clinex Eko+ Protect Odor Killer odor neutralizer, which, in addition to having an innovative composition based on biosurfactants, is safe for users and all surfaces. It will cope very well with unpleasant odors in the bathroom, unpleasant animal odors, but also with the nightmare of many housekeeping departments – the smell of cigarette smoke. It completely removes the effects and causes of unpleasant odors“. – says an expert from Clinex.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to other neutralizers from the offer – for example , Clinex Nano Protect Odor Killer containing active silver nanoparticles in several aromatic variants, and air fresheners that smell for up to several days – those from the Scent line, in the form of a traditional atomizer or impregnated sticks in many fragrance versions . These products are dedicated to the HoReCa industry, you just need to choose the most suitable one for you.

Building positive guest experiences

Thanks to the use of professional floor care products and odor neutralizers, the effects of our work will be effectively noticed and will remain in your memory for longer. And, as we know, a satisfied guest is the best advertising in the form of word-of-mouth marketing. It is therefore worth taking a closer look at these, usually underestimated, issues to ensure perfect conditions for your stay at the highest level. To sum up, cleanliness and a pleasant smell are key elements that can significantly influence the positive experience of hotel and restaurant guests. It is important to maintain cleanliness at the highest level. Use air fresheners and other fragrances to create a pleasant atmosphere. It’s also worth remembering that individual preferences for fragrances may vary, so it’s worth having several options to choose from. By ensuring cleanliness and a pleasant smell, you can build positive guest experiences and contribute to their satisfaction with their stay in the hotel or restaurant.

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