Different types of dishwasher detergents you need to know about!

A dishwasher is an essential device in every catering industry. It significantly speeds up the process of washing dishes and makes work easier. After removing from the dishwasher, the tableware is shiny and ready for use almost immediately. So we save time and lower bills because dishwashers use much less water than washing by hand. However, in order to enjoy perfectly clean and shiny tableware, we must carefully select dishwasher detergents.

Types of dishwasher detergents – From the article you will learn:

Home dishwasher and catering dishwasher

We live in times where a dishwasher is one of the basic household appliances in every home. There is no doubt that having it makes life much easier. However, the only thing that connects the home dishwasher with its gastronomic version is the name. These are different devices that require completely different treatment. The main difference is the washing cycle and the detergents used. The home version offers several washing cycles. The shortest cycle is 30 minutes. But with dried dirt, this time will be much too short. That’s why we usually put the dishes in for over an hour. During this time, the dishwasher will soak, wash, rinse and dry our dishes. Its gastronomic versions have much less time for this, only a few minutes!

Different types of dishwasher detergents
(graphic: Clinex)

Perfect washing in an extremely short time

Catering dishwashers must soak, wash, rinse and steam dishes in an extremely short time. In gastronomy, time is of the essence, but quality is also important. Dishwashers must therefore be characterized by precision and perfect cleaning without leaving streaks or deposits. This is where dishwasher detergents come into play. The effectiveness of washing in catering dishwashers largely depends on them.

The quality of the treatment is influenced by:

Not one, but several dishwashers

In many industries, it is necessary to use several dishwashers. Each of them is used for different dirt. This allows you to properly segregate the dishes and adjust the cycle and type of detergent to a given section. It is also worth mentioning that in the catering industry we must choose detergents wisely. These preparations must be able to cope without any problems not only with greasy or dried dirt. We often deal with a completely different type of dirt, e.g. traces of lipstick, deposits from tea or coffee. For such dirt, Clinex DishWash will work well, which in combination with Clinex DishSine gives spectacular results.

What role does the quality of dishwasher chemicals play?

Contrary to appearances, the quality of detergents for catering dishwashers plays a key role in ensuring the appropriate quality of washing. Preparations of questionable quality may require higher dosages, which will consequently generate higher costs. But that’s not the only thing that’s worst. Well, low-quality detergents may lead to faster wear of glass or porcelain. This usually happens when very aggressive ingredients are used. Moreover, such products often leave a residue on the dishwasher and dishes. Therefore, it is better to choose better quality detergents that contain proven ingredients. Very often, such products are enriched with water softeners and dishwasher protection agents. Therefore, the quality of cleaning agents plays a key role in every catering business.

Powder, tablets and liquids – what types of detergents are best?

The dispenser of a household dishwasher, i.e. a domestic one, will accept powder, tablet and gel detergent. Catering dishwashers work slightly differently, which is why they mainly use liquid preparations. While we can put one “All in One” tablet into a home dishwasher, we must have separate cleaning liquid and rinse aid for a catering dishwasher. Special dispensers and pumps for collecting the liquid allow you to properly adjust the dosage. Therefore, cleaning preparations for gastronomy are available in large, 5-liter cans. It is worth emphasizing that improper dosing can lead to many irregularities and problems. From poor quality washing, through excessive foaming or too long drying. Not to mention the quick use of detergent.

What dishwasher detergents should I use? Selection of detergents.

First of all, good quality, proven preparations. The purpose is also important. An example is Clinex DishHard hard water cleaning liquid. It contains ingredients that soften water and improve the quality of washing. It has excellent cleaning properties even in very hard water. When water hardness is high, the use of ordinary preparations may be insufficient. Therefore, it is worth choosing products whose composition is adapted to the water quality. To ensure the highest quality of washing, you should also use Clinex ShineHard hard water rinse aid. It will effectively prevent mineral deposits from forming on the dishes, leaving them dry and shiny.

Hard water is unfortunately a problem that can generate significant costs. Therefore, it is worth taking care of your equipment using appropriate preparations. Also, do not forget to regularly use the concentrated Clinex Destoner descaler. Its composition allows for effective operation at low concentrations, making it safe for descaling devices. It is perfect for dishwashers, coffee machines, kettles, electric heaters and sinks.

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