Dirt and grease stains on the upholstery. Upholstery cleaning, shampooing

Dirty upholstery in a car or home is the nightmare of every owner. Usually, it is his responsibility to clean the car and furniture from grease stains and other dirt. Removing them is not so easy when the stains remain on the upholstery for too long. Another common problem is an inappropriate attempt to lure them out. Small, seemingly harmless spots then turn into much larger, unsightly stains that are difficult to remove. Proper cleaning of the upholstery is the key to its longer life. That's why professionals use preparations dedicated to these surfaces. Here's a guide on how to remove dirt and grease stains from upholstery!

How do stains occur on upholstery and how to remove them?

The real problem occurs when the furniture or car is upholstered with noble materials and leather in a color that significantly favors the stain’s exposure. So who is “guilty” of stains? Often, ironically, it is the householder himself or, in the case of a car, the driver who is to blame. His style of demeanor is crucial here. However, the following factors also contribute to the neglect of upholstery:

This is how dirt most often appears on upholstery in your home and car. Even though literally anything can get dirty, upholstery is the most difficult thing to clean.

Attractive upholstery directly affects the appearance, aesthetics and comfort of use. Cleaning companies are great at removing greasy dirt and use professional upholstery cleaning products. One of them is Clinex Textile SHP , which is great for cleaning furniture and car upholstery. Suitable for all types of textile materials, natural and artificial. Applying it early enough allows for complete removal of dirt and restoration of all functional properties and a flawless appearance.

Difficult to remove stains on upholstery. What to do with them? How to remove dirt.

Even though you can react quickly to greasy stains on the upholstery, it may turn out that they are difficult to remove. Standard cleaning agents for upholstery materials are not effective in every case. What to do in such situations? The only rational solution is to use cleaning agents with intensified action.

As the situations are serious, they require stronger than standard measures. To remove stubborn dirt from upholstered items, it is worth using Clinex Textile EXT . It is a strong and concentrated liquid that will cope with the most difficult stains. What is equally important, when used as intended, it will not damage the upholstery material itself. You can be sure that any type of contamination will not be too much for him.

The most difficult contaminants are, of course, those that are greasy and quickly penetrate the material. The preparations described above were created to deal with them even when no other means can!

Durability of the effects of upholstery cleaning

Cleaning upholstery often becomes a more difficult process than anyone expected. Why does this happen? The user often focuses too much on simply removing stains, not knowing that the entire upholstery usually needs thorough cleaning later. Stain removal is a very important activity, and only professional stain removers guarantee the removal of stains. This is a key issue in proper upholstery care.

In order not to leave the surface in a different color after the stain removal process, it is a good idea to clean the entire upholstery. This can be achieved by shampooing, i.e. washing it thoroughly. This will remove any remaining dirt from deep within the material and will brighten up the colors. Care performed in this way after removing stains will ensure a uniform color of the upholstery.

The aging of upholstery cannot be stopped completely, but it can be significantly slowed down. For this purpose, regular care and regular removal of all dirt are required. Any stain, if not removed in time, becomes degrading to the upholstery. Optimal care involves removing stains and washing the upholstery using professional products.

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