The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has left a big mark on many people's minds and allowed them to introduce new habits into their daily routine. A large number of people still wash their hands more often, wear masks covering their mouths in places with higher traffic, and disinfect their hands after contact with various surfaces. Of course, this has its good and bad sides. However, let us remember that these people are very likely to become guests of our facilities and we must provide them with the safe stay conditions they expect so that they can consider their visit fully satisfactory.
Shared responsibility
Automatic devices dispensing disinfectant liquid have probably become a permanent feature of the facility’s equipment. As well as gels and soaps for antibacterial hand washing. What more can be done? Let’s not forget about proper habits when cleaning the room, preparing meals or serving them to the guest’s table. Following appropriate procedures and using professional cleaning chemicals will help ensure safe stay conditions. It will also influence greater awareness and healthy lives of our employees.
What products should you choose for disinfection in a hotel?
It is worth choosing efficient, professional cleaning products from a reputable brand that will help us and make our work more efficient. Clinex’s offer includes many products for disinfection of cleaned surfaces, as well as personal protection of guests and employees. Their wide range of operation means that they can be used on many surfaces in various areas of business.
Disinfection in the hotel – kitchen and restaurant
Kitchen and restaurant service workers will like the Clinex DEZOSept Plus hygienic hand disinfection liquid or the Clinex DezoSept gel with a coconut scent. These professional cleaning products effectively fight viruses and bacteria. Additionally, they contain glycerin and caring substances that prevent the skin from drying out.
In a restaurant, DEZOFast disinfectant can be successfully used to disinfect tables, chairs, counters and countertops , which has bactericidal properties and is also great at combating clostridium difficile spores , which are considered one of the most common causes of pseudomembranous enteritis – a common condition in the catering industry. It will also be an ideal work tool for the housekeeping department. It is perfect for disinfecting many waterproof surfaces such as furniture, door handles, handrails, toilets, light switches and floors. However, for the latter, it is worth choosing a more economical solution, i.e. a concentrate of this agent. Typically for cleaning toilets and sanitary facilities, the ready-to-use bactericidal and fungicidal preparation Clinex W3 Bacti was created.
Disinfection in the hotel – Spa & Wellness
In SPA offices, where quick disinfection is needed between treatments, Clinex DEZOClinic professional chemicals will be perfect, as they fight viruses in just 60 seconds. This chemical product is universal, which allows it to be used on many different alcohol-resistant surfaces. If we want or cannot use an alcohol-based product, it is worth choosing the Clinex DEZOMed non-alcoholic disinfection preparation, which also comes in the form of an efficient concentrate. It can be used for direct and immersion disinfection.

Let’s not forget about disinfection
Maintaining the highest hygiene standards. Ensuring the safety of guests and employees is a very important issue nowadays. Using professional chemicals for cleaning companies makes it much easier. Let us remember that health is the most important thing, and conscious help in maintaining it is an indicator of professionalism and responsibility. Satisfied guests will be happy to come back to us, and safe employees will value working with us.