Disinfection of surfaces in the gym and swimming pool [Poradnik]

(zdj. Unsplash)

Being "fit" is becoming more and more popular these days. Being healthy and fit has become something of a fad. Fitness clubs, gyms and swimming pools are becoming more and more popular. The number of people visiting these places is constantly increasing. Therefore, maintaining cleanliness in exercise rooms, swimming pool halls and locker rooms is also quite a challenge - this is one of the factors influencing attendance in this type of facilities.

Cleanliness in fitness clubs – how?

To meet customer requirements regarding cleanliness, hygiene, sanitary conditions and freshness that can be smelled, fitness facilities and sports clubs should use professional cleaning products. First of all, remember to disinfect.

Fit Rated research conducted in 27 gyms in the USA shows that 70 percent bacteria found on exercise equipment may be hazardous to health. As much as 31 percent are bacteria resistant to antibiotics (so-called gram negative), and 41%. are gram-positive bacteria that cause skin diseases. That is why it is so important to remember to regularly disinfect exercise items, as well as surfaces with which customers of sports facilities have direct contact.

Disinfection in sports facilities

In sports facilities such as swimming pools, sports halls or gyms, we can find a large number of surfaces made of various materials. Therefore, the best choice for cleaning dirt will be a universal product, safe for every cleaned surface. An example of such a preparation is Clinex 4 DIRT , a universal preparation for removing all types of greasy dirt from various surfaces. The use of this preparation guarantees the removal of typical dirt that can be found in sports facilities.

In the case of the surfaces in question, we must remember not only to clean them. Disinfection of usable surfaces is also important. A good choice for disinfecting floors is Clinex Barren . It is a preparation with bactericidal and fungicidal properties. It is suitable for cleaning and disinfecting waterproof surfaces, such as floors in locker rooms, gyms and swimming pools.

Disinfection of sports equipment and locker rooms

If we want a preparation for disinfecting elements such as door handles, seats or elements of exercise machines, we can use Clinex Nano Protect Silver Table . It is a ready-to-use product with a convenient trigger for disinfecting all washable surfaces. Thanks to the content of active NANO particles, the preparation destroys bacteria, fungi and spores. Perfect for daily and periodic disinfection.

When disinfecting locker rooms, where a large number of people pass through every day, remember to thoroughly remove bacteria and fungi from the toilets. These are places where these bacteria are extremely abundant. In this case, Clinex W3 Bacti will come to the rescue, an acidic preparation with bactericidal and fungicidal disinfecting properties. It is intended for cleaning and disinfection of sanitary rooms.

All mentioned disinfectant products have a permit to trade in biocidal products.


When ensuring cleanliness in locker rooms, gyms, swimming pools or other sports centers, remember that in addition to thoroughly cleaning all surfaces, they must also be thoroughly disinfected. A clean, fresh-smelling and disinfected place will certainly be very popular and have a positive opinion of the people staying there.

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