Does cleaning impact the guest experience?

They say you can only make a first impression once - so it's worth always being prepared. This also works in the case of hotel facilities. Professional reception staff, nice smell, friendly and, above all, clean surroundings are the keys to a successful first impression. And cleanliness and order are one of the most important factors that can significantly influence the overall assessment of the stay and the level of guest satisfaction.

Factors influencing guest ratings

Many elements influence Poles’ dissatisfaction with recreational facilities, which makes them think twice before booking again. However, the biggest problem highlighted by respondents was unsatisfactory cleanliness. Below we present the results of the Clinex study “Cleanliness in recreational facilities”.

The study shows how much Poles value cleanliness in the places they choose to relax. The highlighted aspects are important for both women and men, but the issue of interior cleanliness is more important for women – emphasizes Wojciech Tomaszczyk from the Clinex Professional Chemistry Department.

Infographic - the most annoying shortcomings in recreational facilities

As many as 60% of respondents indicate that disorder and pollution in rooms are the main reasons for negative opinions about the facility. Noise in the area is a problem for 44% of respondents, and problems with parking, either due to an additional fee or lack of it, concern 38%. More information and data from the study can be found in this article.

Infographic - factors discrediting the facility in terms of cleanliness

Hygiene and safety

Cleanliness in a hotel is not only a matter of aesthetics. It is also about the safety of guests: preventing them from slipping on spilled drinks on the floor, tripping over items left behind, or suffering more serious health problems. Hotel spaces should be free from potential allergens, dust mites and bacteria. They can be very dangerous for people with allergic tendencies or reduced immunity. It is also worth paying attention to the cleaning products used for cleaning. They cannot be too aggressive, but at the same time they should be effective.

Professional cleaning products

Facilities from the HoReCa sector are obliged to have and strictly follow cleanliness procedures. Among these procedures, compliance with HACCP standards is important. Additionally, good practice requires special attention to the hygiene of places where guests stay.

There are currently many specialized cleaning products available on the market, dedicated to the HoReCa industry. Even the leading market brands have dozens of such products in their assortment.

How to choose the right means

The most important thing is to focus on specialized measures dedicated to this industry. They are characterized by faster and more effective action than ordinary products available in household chemicals stores.

It is also important to precisely match the agents used to the type of surfaces being cleaned. Thanks to this, we will effectively remove impurities and ensure the condition and durability of the materials being cleaned or washed. Of course, we cannot ignore the fact that there are also universal preparations that often work well in various situations.

Where to look for them? For example, in the wide portfolio of the Clinex brand. These are high-quality products with full warranty, meeting the expectations of even the most demanding customers. Their quality is confirmed by the ISO 9001 quality certificate. The latest technologies are used during production: biodegradable components, polymers and nanotechnology. Recipes developed using nanostructures increase the effectiveness of products, antibacterial protection, and allergy neutrality, ensuring their effectiveness and safety of use.

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