Employee locker rooms – how to keep them tidy?

Some employers are required by law to create employee locker rooms. It must meet certain requirements. Its organization and equipment depend largely on the nature of the work and the specificity of the plant. A cloakroom for employees must be located in the building where work takes place. You should ensure not only that it is properly equipped, but also that it is clean. Like other rooms, it is subject to hygiene rules. Each social facility is controlled by the Sanitary Inspectorate.

Safe and hygienic working conditions are essential in every enterprise. By maintaining cleanliness, we take care of the comfort and health of our employees, but also influence the positive image of the entire company. Unfortunately, nowadays, failure to follow recommendations and mistakes are unforgivable – not only by the Sanitary Inspectorate, but also by customers who are sensitive to hygiene issues.

Employee locker rooms – from the text you will learn:

Types of employee locker rooms

We divide employee locker rooms according to their purpose. Employees’ own clothing locker rooms are used to store employees’ private clothing. Changing rooms for work and protective clothing are used to store work clothes. If both types of clothing are to be kept there, we organize basic changing rooms, because such rooms are characterized by, among others: for gastronomy. We store our own clothing and work clothes, as well as personal protective equipment in the transit locker rooms. Passenger locker rooms consist of a section intended for storing employees’ own clothing and a section for protective clothing. There is also a sanitary facility equipped with showers. The type of employee locker rooms located in a given building determines the nature of work. Regardless of the type of locker room, its walls should be made of materials that can be easily kept clean. We describe how to do this later in the article.

Social room – Sanitary and Epidemiological Station requirements

The workplace must have separate locker rooms for women and men. The employer is obliged to provide free access to it. If disabled people work in the plant, the premises must be adapted to them. They also need to be insulated against moisture and heat loss. In addition, changing rooms must have at least four air exchanges. They should be equipped with lockers and a place to sit, because employee locker rooms must have a direct connection to the sanitary complex. Also, the width between two rows of cabinets cannot be less than 1.5 meters. According to the regulations, each employee is allocated 0.5 m2 of free floor space.

Social facilities, hygiene and cleanliness

The cloakroom is a place where employees change, take breaks and eat meals. Therefore, you need to keep them clean. Professional agents are used to clean surfaces, such as Clinex DEZOFast for cleaning waterproof surfaces, because the Sanitary Inspectorate pays special attention to whether everything is in its place. Work clothes cannot come into contact with private clothes. Waste bins must be emptied regularly because employee locker rooms are subject to the rules contained in GHP (Good Hygiene Practices).

Regular cleaning of employee locker rooms

Employees keep their lockers tidy. However, cleaning the surfaces is the responsibility of the cleaning team assigned to it. We clean employee locker rooms regularly. They contain work clothes that are prone to dirt. There are several or even a dozen people in the locker rooms every day. This increases the risk of spreading bacteria and viruses. Surfaces sometimes come into contact with food when employees eat meals. Neglecting cleanliness in such a place results in non-compliance with occupational hygiene rules.

Lockers, benches and floors in locker rooms should be cleaned every day. However, it is very important to use cleaning products that effectively remove fingerprints, dust and visible dirt. Nowadays, employers cannot afford for their employees to become infected from each other, for example through contact with viruses and bacteria left in different places. To protect yourself against a wave of COVID-19 infections and others, you should ensure regular disinfection of all critical elements of the employee locker room .

Employees touch doorknobs, cabinets and handrails many times a day. A handy preparation in this case may be Clinex DEZOFast . The convenient packaging with a sprayer makes it easier to quickly wipe door handles and other frequently touched elements. Importantly, it is a professional disinfectant and cleaning preparation with bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal properties. It is completely safe and can be used to disinfect surfaces that come into contact with food – and these can also be found in company facilities.

Cleaning waterproof surfaces

In employee locker rooms, we have surfaces covered with various materials. The floors are made of concrete, tiles, PVC or other waterproof surfaces. To clean them, we use the low-foaming Clinex MaxDirt preparation. It can also be used for powder-coated surfaces. Suitable for cleaning floors, walls and washable surfaces. Due to their nature , employee locker rooms require the use of specialized measures. Clinex MaxDirt is safe even for surfaces in direct contact with food.

To fully benefit from the properties of Clinex MaxDirt, shake the bottle and dilute the concentrate in water. If we use it to clean surfaces that come into contact with food, remember to rinse thoroughly after finishing work!

With the permission of the Minister of Health

In order to meet all legal requirements and maintain proper cleanliness in the locker rooms, measures that are safe for humans must be used. An example is not only Clinex MaxDirt, but also Clinex DEZOFast with bactericidal effect. Has permission from the Minister of Health. It is intended for disinfecting and cleaning waterproof surfaces. It is also used in cosmetics plants, the dairy and meat industries and gastronomy. Employee locker rooms cleaned using it meet all required occupational hygiene conditions.

How to use surface cleaners?

Clinex DEZOFast can be purchased in a concentrate formula or in a ready-to-use form. Clinex MaxDirt is a concentrate. Therefore, we clean the social facilities after preparing an appropriate solution. The agent should be mixed with water in appropriate proportions. In the case of Clinex MaxDirt, they are 20 – 1000 ml of the agent per 10 L of water. When using Clinex Barren, we use 50 to 100 ml of the preparation / 10 L of water. Employee locker rooms with larger surfaces are easier to clean using scrubbers and other cleaning machines. Both products are suitable for manual and machine cleaning.

Employees should also have hand sanitizer available at all times. Regardless of whether they wear gloves or not, they should be able to take care of basic personal hygiene after coming to work – which is also a concern for the safety of other employees. It is best to place gel dispensers near the door – for example Clinex DEZOSept . It is a coconut-scented gel, alcohol-based.

Employee locker rooms and a pleasant smell

Storing employees’ clothes, eating meals, and frequent use of the room contribute to the formation of unpleasant odors. Odor neutralizers are used to remove them. Products containing active nanoparticles are the most effective. They were used in Clinex Nano Protect Silver Odor Killer – Green Tea and Clinex Nano Protect Silver Odor Killer – Fresh . Unpleasant odors are removed by catalytic oxidation, because active nanoparticles permanently neutralize unpleasant odors. The staff locker room is filled with freshness.


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