Food safety in restaurants.

Food safety in restaurants. How to cleverly and consciously comply with sanitary standards?In today's busy times, when more and more people give up cooking at home in favor of eating meals in restaurants or ordering catering from them, food safety is becoming an extremely important issue. Both customers and restaurant owners pay attention to whether catering establishments comply with appropriate sanitary standards. Therefore, restaurateurs must approach this issue smartly and wisely. It is worth taking a look at how this can be achieved using the solutions offered by Clinex.

HACCP control as a basis.

In accordance with applicable regulations and standards, each restaurant is obliged to comply with the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) system. It is a detailed action plan that aims to minimize food safety risks. It is worth emphasizing that HACCP control is not just a formality – it is a real concern for the health and life of customers.

Sample HACCP instructions can be found in the Download Center on the Clinex website.

The role of professional cleaning products.

To effectively comply with sanitary standards and ensure food safety, restaurateurs should use appropriate cleaning chemicals. Clinex offers a wide selection of professional preparations for disinfection and cleaning in catering establishments. Their products meet the highest quality standards, which is crucial in the catering industry. The best-selling Clinex products in the catering area are certainly:

A gloved hand holds a bottle of grill cleaning fluid.

Professional disinfection is the key to success.

Food safety in a restaurant starts with cleanliness and disinfection. This is where Clinex can especially help. Their products, such as specialized disinfectants, such as Clinex DezoTable – a preparation for cleaning and disinfecting countertops and kitchen appliances, are necessary for everyday maintenance of order and hygiene in the restaurant. Remember that bacteria and other microorganisms may be invisible to the naked eye, but their presence may pose a serious threat to the health of customers.

Staff education – this cannot be omitted.

We cannot forget that food safety in a restaurant also depends on the knowledge and awareness of the staff. That is why it is so important to conduct regular training in food hygiene and safety. Clinex offers support in this area by providing educational materials and organizing training for restaurateurs and their employees.


Food safety in restaurants is an issue that cannot be underestimated. Compliance with sanitary standards is crucial to maintaining the good reputation of the restaurant and ensuring the health and safety of customers and employees. Thanks to professional cleaning and disinfecting agents and staff education, restaurateurs can achieve this goal with the desired effect.

Clinex, as an experienced supplier of hygiene solutions for the HoReCa industry, can help restaurateurs ensure food safety at the highest level.

Let us remember that food safety is not only a legal obligation, but also an important element in building customer trust. Therefore, every restaurateur should approach this topic with full seriousness and invest in appropriate resources and staff education. Safe food means satisfied customers and success on the market!

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