How should you clean and care for leather furniture?

Elegance, sophistication and chic - leather furniture effectively emphasizes the unique character of the interior, which is why it is used in homes and apartments, as well as hotels, offices and restaurants. Natural leather, but also artificial leather, is a material that is difficult to care for. It impresses with its above-average aesthetics, but requires regular maintenance and proper cleaning. Leather furniture care should be systematic, conscious and gentle. Only then will we extend the life of this unique furniture.

From the article you will learn:

Leather furniture – why does everyone want to have it?

Difficult cleaning of a leather sofa does not discourage you from purchasing another similar piece of furniture. Leather is the most noble material. Each piece of furniture made of it is unique. They have birthmarks, i.e. traces of scratches and bites. That’s the nature of animal skin. Its softness cannot be denied, of course if we take care of it properly. It cooperates with the environment, responds to changes in ambient temperature and regulates air humidity. Proper care of leather furniture makes it last for many years in pristine condition. This requires a special leather cleaning preparation, such as: Clinex Expert+ Leather Cleaner.

The leather is not without flaws

Desirable furniture, for which we have to pay more than for all others, and yet it has its drawbacks. They are particularly harmful to places that are intensively used, such as offices and hotels. The skin ages naturally, which is also helped by humans. Lack of protection results in scratches, abrasions and discoloration. Such leather furniture no longer looks good. Then, agents for renovating leather furniture turn out to be necessary. However, some damage is so permanent that it cannot be removed. When choosing leather, you must remember about proper care, maintenance and protection.

Cleaning leather furniture – avoid this

How to remove stains from ecological and natural leather ? Some people use stain removers. They have a very strong and unfortunately harmful effect on the skin. It results in destruction and discoloration. Therefore, do not use stain removers, solvents or removers. This applies to all stains, including wine, chocolate, tomato juice and lipstick. We always use specialized, professional products to clean leather furniture .

Gentle, powerful care for leather furniture

We clean the leather regularly to avoid difficult dirt. Every day, they should be cleaned of dust using a dry cloth or a vacuum cleaner. However, remember not to rub the furniture surface vigorously. We do not remove any type of discoloration with shoe polish. However, special products for renovating and caring for leather furniture will be useful. They are distinguished by a formula adapted to the characteristics of this material. The Clinex offer also includes two such products – the caring and preserving Clinex Expert+ Leather Conditioner and the cleaning Clinex Expert+ Leather Cleaner.

The skin needs to be moisturized

It can be compared to human skin, it also needs hydration and regeneration. High temperature and dry air adversely affect its condition. So the most difficult period for her is the sunny summer. When it is dry, it becomes brittle, which causes it to crack. Therefore, it is worth greasing it, but not with natural oils. Clinex Expert+ Leather Conditioner for renovating leather furniture contains avocado oil. It not only protects the skin against damage, but also moisturizes it properly. It extends its life, gives it a spectacular shine and restores its elasticity. Rub the agent into the leather using a cloth.

Safe cleaning of leather

Caring for leather furniture must take into account its delicacy. The skin needs very conscious care. It does not cope well with contact with strong detergents, which cause further damage by removing stains. To clean leather, use Clinex Expert+ Leather Cleaner . It is a product created specifically for the care of leather furniture. Removes dirt and difficult stains by penetrating into micro-crevices. It can be used to clean both natural leather and eco-leather. After cleaning the furniture, we apply agents for renovating leather furniture, such as Clinex Expert+ Leather Conditioner.

How else can you extend their durability?

Caring for leather furniture makes it retain its aesthetic appearance for longer. However, you can create even better conditions for them. Not only do public spaces require more frequent maintenance. You can also decorate them with pillows and bedspreads. This way we will refresh the interior a bit. Leather furniture should not be located close to radiators. They must be protected against high temperatures. In rooms where the humidity drops below 50%, increased skin moisturization is necessary. In this case, use Clinex Expert+ Leather Conditioner more often.

Summary – cleaning leather furniture

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