How to clean a sofa? A few words about cleaning and care.

A sofa is one of the basic pieces of furniture in hotels, but also in offices and public facilities. They are also used for relaxation in offices. Excessive use of the sofa is harmful not only to the physical condition of the users, but also to the furniture itself. Regular cleaning of the sofa prevents dust from accumulating and damaging the upholstery. What care should be used to ensure a neat appearance of the sofa? Learn the most important ways to clean your sofa easily and effectively.

Cleaning the sofa – From this article you will learn:

Take care of the aesthetic appearance and nice smell of the sofa

Even if the sofa doesn’t look dirty, during everyday use it collects food crumbs, dead skin, dust and mites, which can cause allergies or skin irritations. It is worth mentioning pets that sometimes visit offices or hotels – hair that is difficult to remove is another challenge we have to face when cleaning.

Cleaning the sofa is therefore a procedure that should be performed not only for aesthetic but also for hygienic reasons. In this way, we also take care of the smell in the room and the comfort of use – we are more likely to relax on furniture that is refreshed and fragrant.

Preparing to clean the sofa

In the first phase of cleaning, it is best to remove dirt using a vacuum cleaner. To remove dust thoroughly, it is worth using a long tip and trying to get into every crevice of the furniture. At this stage, it is also worth removing the covers from the pillows and washing them in the washing machine.

Some furniture elements do not require multi-stage cleaning using special preparations for sofas. A cloth soaked in water will work well for a wooden backrest or metal legs. Attention to such details affects the final effect of care.

Waste collection rollers are available in many stores. We can also use them to pre-clean the sofa. This is a quick way to get rid of hair and fur. However, we must not forget that dirt penetrates deeply into the layers of upholstery. For thorough cleaning, it is worth using appropriate preparations, such as Clinex Textile EXT . It is a concentrated preparation for extraction washing. It provides an excellent cleaning effect, removes dirt and stains from deeper layers of the fabric, and nourishes and revives the color of the material. It is intended for machine washing using washing machines and vacuum cleaners.

One sofa, many ways to care

There are various products on the market that allow you to quickly remove dirt from upholstery. The convenient formula is foam that can be sprayed on the surface of the furniture. Clinex Textile Foam upholstery foam does not contain bleaching agents or brighteners, so we do not have to worry that our sofa will have discoloration. This preparation does not require rinsing, which makes it much easier to care for the sofa.

Another way to clean your couch is shampooing. Using a special preparation – shampoo – a foam is created that separates dirt particles from the cleaned surface. Shampoo Clinex Textile SHP not only will it make cleaning easier, but it will also preserve the upholstery, as it contains a polymer that protects the fibers from getting dirty again. Spread such a liquid over the sofa using a brush, sponge or professional machines (single-disc, scrubber dryers), which will suck out the foam after cleaning.

Tough stains on fabrics

Some stains penetrate deeper layers of the sofa or couch fabric. It is worth trying other cleaning methods than those we have known for years and using a highly concentrated preparation that will not only remove stains, but also degrease the material and prevent the re-deposition of dirt. Using an extraction liquid for upholstery washing, such as Clinex Textile EXT , we will not only clean the sofa, but also revive its color and remove unpleasant odors.

The most common mistakes when cleaning sofas

The stain getting bigger instead of disappearing, discoloration of the material, damage to the upholstery… Sound familiar? These are just some of the consequences of improperly cleaning the couch. To prevent them, just follow a few basic rules.

If we want to make sure that we will not damage the upholstery, it is worth performing a simple test. Just apply the preparation to an inconspicuous place on the furniture and observe its effect on the material the sofa is made of. If after a few minutes there are no discolorations on the upholstery, you can safely apply the cleaning agent to the entire piece of furniture.

Larger dirt on the sofa should be cleaned from the edges towards the center so as not to spread the dirt over a larger surface and, as a result, not to enlarge the stain.

Some fabrics (e.g. velvet or plush) from which sofas and corner sofas are made are sensitive to too strong mechanical cleaning – the material easily pills and abrades. In such cases, it is worth starting the work gently and gradually increasing the pressure with which we move the sponge or cloth over the upholstery.

Cleaning sofas doesn’t have to be an arduous challenge. Regular care and ensuring that the people responsible for cleaning remove the largest stains on an ongoing basis will ensure that the furniture will fulfill its functions for many years.

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