How to clean kitchen equipment, TV, furniture and other elements made of plastic?

(zdj. Clinex)

A very important element when purchasing various types of equipment is its appearance. When choosing, we are often guided by modern shapes and colors, but after time of use, attractive colors lose their charm. The materials age, turn yellow, discolor under the influence of UV rays, and their appearance is far from the desired one. How to delay this process to enjoy the nice appearance of plastic elements for as long as possible?

Plastics, a material consisting of synthetic polymers or modified natural polymers and modifying additives, often commonly called “plastic”, have low resistance to high temperatures and mechanical damage. This material has a very long decomposition time, which means it is unfavorable for the environment. If used improperly, it is exposed to stress cracks, thereby losing its functional properties.

What should you consider when choosing a cleaning agent for plastic?

The selection of an appropriate cleaning agent depends primarily on the nature of the contamination prevailing on a given surface. If organic dirt prevails (mainly proteins, sugars, fats), we use alkaline agents. If the dirt is mineral (e.g. water scale), we choose acid cleaning agents. Plastics are materials whose surfaces are dominated by organic dirt, so we use alkaline products whose task is to emulsify the dirt into the washing solution and saponify it.

Cleaning the plastic window frame
(photo: Clinex)

We pay attention to the composition: surfactants

In the composition of such a preparation, a very important addition that improves and sometimes even enables the washing process is the addition of surfactants responsible for reducing the interfacial tension, making it easier to remove dirt from the surface and, consequently, faster action. Alkaline preparations should also contain additives that will prevent the re-deposition of dirt and protective additives that will prevent secondary deposition of dirt. A very important element is that the product contains substances that are safe for plastic and do not cause stress cracks.

Cleaning the document shredder
(photo: Clinex)

Professional cleaning agents for plastic

When choosing cleaning chemicals, we always start by finding a professional manufacturer, this will be our guarantee that the product will be effective and safe for a given surface. We always use chemicals dedicated to a given application, otherwise we may damage the surface or not achieve the intended cleaning effect. To obtain a satisfactory effect, we recommend using the CLINEX FastPlast product, it is an effective cleaning preparation that meets all the requirements of a preparation for cleaning plastic surfaces. The preparation is available as a ready-to-use solution in a handy spray bottle. However, if we want concentrated production, we suggest using the CLINEX Blink product – this preparation, in addition to its excellent cleaning properties, has care additives whose task is to deepen the natural color of the washed surface.

Cleaning the Fast Plast copier - cleaning plastic
(photo: Clinex)

What preparation should be used to clean TV and LCD screens?

We should also mention RTV equipment, because it is increasingly common for electronic equipment to have plastic elements, e.g. monitor screens. For this application, we should use products dedicated to LCD screens. Why is this so important? Well, it is an extremely delicate material with very high transparency, which is associated with low resistance to chemicals. We cannot use alcoholic preparations or preparations with a high content of solvents, the products should be based on safe raw materials with antistatic additives.

Clinex LCD - cleaning the printer plastic
(photo: Clinex)

Maintaining the cleanliness of elements made of plastic does not require much work, provided that the above-mentioned rules are followed.

For all screens with plastic surfaces, professional cleaning agents should be used. It looks slightly better in the case of glass-covered screens. In this case, the screen may forgive the use of a slightly more aggressive agent, but you should be careful. Even though the glass seems resistant to the effects of stronger preparations, they leave traces of their action. Stains that cannot be removed, discolorations and changes in the glass structure may appear on the surface. The screen will lose its transparency, will not fully reflect the color palette, and looking at it will become burdensome in some cases. Always use only recommended cleaning and care products.

How to care for plastic furniture?

Many apartments and offices are equipped with plastic furniture. In some cases, this is dictated by economics, as furniture made of artificial materials may be cheaper than wooden furniture. In addition, it is much easier to repair damage or select a replacement.

Plastic furniture looks extremely impressive and perfectly imitates other popular natural materials such as wood or stone. However, they require a specific approach when it comes to cleaning and care.

Plastic, as mentioned at the beginning, is extremely sensitive. It is easy to experience mechanical damage caused by inappropriate selection of cleaning fluids and care products. Only recommended preparations from the professional Clinex series should be used for this purpose. These are agents that remove accumulated contaminants in an extremely precise manner, without harming the plastic.

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Plastic in the kitchen

The kitchen is one of those places where ubiquitous cleanliness and the absence of any microorganisms are a requirement. That’s why the Clinex brand offers professional care products. There are many devices and objects made of plastic in the kitchen, which requires the use of unique preparations. Plastic seems to be easy to clean, but scratched, dull and damaged items may cause problems.

Aggressive agents cannot be used due to their negative effect on plastic. But it is not everything. Equipment and tools made of plastic come into contact with food, so special requirements are placed on cleaning products.

However, professional Clinex preparations can cope with this. Not only do they thoroughly clean plastic, protecting its structure and surface layer, but they also rapidly biodegrade. They are therefore completely safe for food and, therefore, for human health.

Caring for plastic casings of kitchen appliances and accessories is equally important for purely aesthetic reasons. It is known that neglected kitchen items are not attractive at all. They may be clean, but scratched paint makes them look bad. Clinex cleaning products, apart from thoroughly cleaning, also preserve plastic. This manifests itself in the fact that faded colors gain intensity and become vivid again. This is a long-lasting effect that becomes even stronger with each subsequent cleaning.

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