How to properly prepare for cleaning in a new facility?

A cleaning company winning a new contract is positive news. However, moving into a new facility and starting to provide cleaning services can be problematic. In this material you will learn how to prepare for cleaning in a new facility.

Staff recruitment

The first step in preparing to provide cleaning services in a new facility is the recruitment and preparation of staff. Finding the right people who will clean reliably and thoroughly is a very important matter. Unfortunately, it is not that easy at the moment, so after receiving information about obtaining a new contract, immediately start the staff recruitment process.

Preparation to provide cleaning services

Once the recruitment process has been completed and we have managed to find people who will provide cleaning services in the new facility, we can start conducting basic training in professional cleaning. Appropriate preparation of a new employee to provide cleaning services in a professional manner is necessary to ensure that the quality of services remains at the highest level.

Cleaning equipment

Depending on the type of facility in which we will provide cleaning services, the necessary equipment should be assembled. The choice of cleaning equipment is important because when providing the service we must be prepared for various situations. Below you will find a sample list of equipment that will be used on various types of facilities:

Professional cleaning chemicals

Professional cleaning products will enable you to provide services at the highest level. Regardless of what type of cleaning equipment you use, professional cleaning chemicals will be the key to success in getting rid of dirt and providing a comprehensive service. It is worth noting that professional cleaning chemicals are characterized by intense action and high concentration.

Cleaning the new facility

Before starting cyclical cleaning services, it is worth performing a thorough cleaning of the facility, the so-called cleaning. This type of service will require strong chemicals to remove accumulated dirt. Clinex M9 Strong is perfect for further cleaning, the product is low-foaming, which means it can be used for both hand and machine washing. Also check out Clinex Floral Forte , which will effectively remove stubborn dirt from stone floors. In the case of sanitary surfaces, such as toilets, Clinex M3 Acid will be extremely helpful to remove limestone, soap remnants and dirt that has accumulated over a long time.

Daily cleaning

After cleaning, we can proceed to the daily cleaning of the facility. To keep floors clean and hygienic, the Clinex Floral series will be a good solution. In addition to effectively removing dirt, it has an intense and pleasant scent.

We can effectively keep sanitary rooms clean on a daily basis by using concentrated Clinex W3 Sanit. It is a citric acid-based product that is safe for all types of surfaces.

Clinex Blink is perfect for cleaning all waterproof surfaces, such as desks. Thanks to the appropriate formula, it evaporates quickly without leaving any streaks or streaks. Clinex Fast Plast will help you deal with dirt found on plastic surfaces. The preparation perfectly removes dirt from porous surfaces and additionally leaves an invisible antistatic coating that limits dust accumulation.

We will take care of social rooms and kitchens thanks to Clinex GreaseOff. Removing grease-based dirt is easy and pleasant without the need for long-term scrubbing. Let’s also not forget about cleaning the glass and removing greasy fingerprints. Clinex Glass is perfect for this type of dirt. The product does not leave streaks and has protective properties.

Hygiene plan

The ideal solution when preparing for cleaning in a new facility is to create a dedicated hygiene plan. This is a detailed plan for cleaning specific types of surfaces using appropriate products, along with instructions and descriptions of their use. If you do not know how to prepare a hygiene plan, contact our specialists who will prepare a dedicated hygiene plan for you, taking into account your needs and problems.

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