How to wash a catering fridge? Guide

A catering business means the need for a large catering refrigerator or cold room to store food. The hygiene of such devices is very important. How to clean the refrigerator? What should you pay attention to to make cleaning the refrigerator quick and effective? How to disinfect a refrigerator? We give you a hint

Preparation for cleaning catering refrigerators

The interior of a catering refrigerator

Cleaning and disinfecting a catering refrigerator is similar to cleaning and maintaining a cold room . The activity itself doesn’t have to be difficult. However, it is worth doing it properly. Before you start cleaning the refrigerator , first of all, disconnect the device from electricity. Only then can we start washing and cleaning the surfaces. However, before you pick up the cloths and detergent, it is necessary to tidy up the space inside.

Washing the refrigerator – tidying up the inside of the device

Woman taking shelves out of the fridge

The first stage of washing the refrigerator is cleaning inside the device. How to organize the inside of the refrigerator? To do this, you need to take all the products out of the fridge and put them aside so that they do not interfere with your free movement around the room. We warn against moving products to the side in the refrigerator. Products left behind will obstruct visibility during cleaning. This may have a negative impact on the process of maintaining cleanliness and hygiene – e.g. we may not notice dirt or mold in the nooks and crannies, which is crucial when cleaning the refrigerator.

Then it’s time to remove all shelves, partitions and containers. The equipment must be cleaned separately. Why so? This will be faster and more efficient than if it were inside the device.

How to clean the fridge? Professional preparation required

Clinex Fast Gast - product photo

The most typical dirt in catering areas is grease, which will be very difficult to remove without specialized cleaning products. How to clean the fridge? The answer is Clinex Fast Gast . This product is typically intended for professional cleaning. Breaks down dried fat quickly and effectively.

Before cleaning the refrigerator, you must wear protective gloves. Only then can the cleaning process begin.

Washing the fridge

You can then proceed to the next stage, i.e. cleaning. How to wash the refrigerator inside? Spray the inner surface of the refrigerator with Clinex Fast Gast and then wait a few seconds. Why? All this so that professional cleaning chemicals can react with the dirt.

Then, you can start collecting and wiping the inside of the refrigerator with a microfiber cloth until the dirt is removed. If there are any traces of dirt after the first cleaning, the process must be repeated.

Cleaning refrigerator shelves and containers

The next stage is cleaning the shelves and containers that have been removed from the refrigerator. How to do it? To do this, apply the cleaning agent to the surfaces to be cleaned and wipe dry with a microfiber cloth. What’s next? At the very end of cleaning, we wash the cleaned surfaces, both inside and out, with clean water.

Refrigerator disinfection

Once you have finished cleaning the refrigerator, you need to disinfect it to remove all bacteria and germs. How to disinfect a refrigerator? For this activity, you will need Clinex DEZOTable , which not only disinfects but also washes the surface. The product can be safely used on all alcohol-resistant surfaces, including areas in direct contact with food. In this case, after disinfection, the disinfected surface should also be thoroughly rinsed with water and wiped dry.

Why should you clean refrigerators in the catering industry?

Silver fridge in the restaurant

With quite a lot of traffic when removing and restocking supplies, it’s easy to miss spills and stains. There are also food residues in the refrigerator. They can deteriorate, which can lead to unpleasant odors and bacteria inside the device. The cleanliness of the refrigerator is essential and an obligation that is often monitored by the sanitary inspection. Therefore, it is extremely important to thoroughly clean refrigerators periodically.

Cleaning and disinfecting a catering refrigerator are very important activities. We hope that our guide has explained how to clean the refrigerator and what cleaning agent to use.

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