Knowledge basePractical advice and inspiration that will help you achieve perfect cleanliness everywhere. All Beauty Cleaning companies ClinexEDU Events Horeca Knowledge base Cleaning companies Beauty Cleaning companies ClinexEDU Events Horeca Knowledge base
Cleaning companies HorecaDiluting professional cleaning concentrates – what water to use?Diluting cleaning concentrates allows you to select the appropriate power that will allow for perfect removal of contaminants.
Cleaning companiesHow to clean grout? Cleaning grout without any secretsCleaning grout is usually not associated with pleasure. However, it will become easier with our advice. How to clean grout? We give you a hint!
Cleaning companiesSavings in cleaning companies – how to reduce costs?Therefore, properly trained staff and a professional line of cleaning products can generate real savings in cleaning companies.
Cleaning companiesCleaning the washing machine – how to clean the washing machine effectively?Cleaning a washing machine is a process that should be adapted to the type of device. How to clean a washing machine? We give you a hint!
Cleaning companies5 disinfection areas at stopsWhat should be disinfected at bus stops? The group of areas requiring regular disinfection includes: benches, shelters, baskets, etc
Cleaning companies9 disinfection areas in a health clinicIn the case of health clinics, we often encounter mutual transmission through contact of staff with infected surfaces.
Cleaning companies7 disinfection areas on playgroundsIn the case of places such as playgrounds, it is difficult to maintain distance, so disinfection becomes the only weapon.
Cleaning companies6 disinfection areas in parksQuick disinfection of surfaces in parks using DEZOFast will be child's play. The offer also includes DEZOFast Concentrate.
Cleaning companies6 disinfection areas in public transportMost elements that are frequently disinfected in public transport are made of metal and plastic