Knowledge basePractical advice and inspiration that will help you achieve perfect cleanliness everywhere. All Beauty Cleaning companies ClinexEDU Events Horeca Knowledge base Cleaning companies Beauty Cleaning companies ClinexEDU Events Horeca Knowledge base
Cleaning companies13 disinfection areas in nurseries, kindergartens and schoolsIt should be emphasized here that, according to the Sanepid's recommendations, disinfection of toys in nurseries should be preceded by washing.
Cleaning companies Horeca11 disinfection areas in hotel facilitiesThere is no doubt that maintaining high hygiene standards in hotel facilities is an indicator of safety and professionalism.
Cleaning companiesChurch cleaning – what are the challenges facing a company providing such services?Most churches are large enough to be successfully cleaned by machine. This is the fastest method.
Cleaning companies10 areas to be disinfected in officesClinex disinfectants are useful not only in offices, but also in institutions that are even more exposed to contamination.
Cleaning companies Horeca6 disinfection areas in consumption roomsIn consumer areas, we can often come across various advertising materials. Starting from plastic containers for leaflets, through stands
Cleaning companiesTrain cleaning – how to keep rolling stock cleanCleaning trains is a special task for employees from a cleaning company.
Cleaning companies5 disinfection areas in figlo parksHowever, in many cases it is extremely difficult, especially on weekends, when parks are literally bursting at the seams. How to protect children from germs?
Beauty Cleaning companies HorecaSurface disinfectionDisinfection is one of the most difficult processes, requiring compliance with many rules such as concentration, exposure time and temperature
Beauty Cleaning companies HorecaNew from Clinex! Professional Clinex DEZOFast disinfection product – also effective in the fight against coronaviruses!Clinex launches an innovative DezoFast disinfectant, also effective against coronaviruses.