Knowledge basePractical advice and inspiration that will help you achieve perfect cleanliness everywhere. All Beauty Cleaning companies ClinexEDU Events Horeca Knowledge base Cleaning companies Beauty Cleaning companies ClinexEDU Events Horeca Knowledge base
Cleaning companiesHygiene of toilets in public places – cleaning and care using detergents for professionalsSystematic cleaning of toilets protects us against contact with dangerous bacteria and microorganisms.
Cleaning companies Events HorecaEnvironmental protection and Profit concentratesIt is worth taking a closer look at the ingredients of effective cleaning products - concentrates. Let's assess their toxicity and check what impact they have on environmental protection
Cleaning companiesCleaning schools with professional cleaning productsThat's why professional companies come to the rescue to help you develop a hygiene plan and advise you what cleaning products to use
Cleaning companies HorecaInnovation in cleaning sanitary surfacesActive substances remove greasy dirt, stone infiltrates and rusty deposits, making the surface shiny and leaving a fresh scent in the rooms.
Cleaning companiesKeys and buttons in electronic devices – how to keep them cleanThe same applies to other devices with buttons. You can defend yourself against it and prevent it in time.
Cleaning companiesCleanliness in the store – how to keep it clean?While maintaining impeccable cleanliness in the store, you cannot forget about the bathroom. It must be a model of cleanliness and high-quality hygiene.
Cleaning companiesWashing and caring for panels – how to properly maintain them.Washing the panels is important to maintain their condition. Only then will they enjoy their appearance. How to wash panels? We give you a hint!
Cleaning companiesCleaning and disinfection of rooms in a medical clinicCleaning and disinfection in the medical clinic premises is carried out in accordance with strict standards and safety rules.
Cleaning companiesCleaning companies – advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing cleaning servicesOf course, in reality, there are many advantages that cleaning companies bring. However, it is not always so rosy