Keeping order in a small bistro

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A good bistro, just like a restaurant, must be characterized by tasty food, because it is the taste of the dishes served that makes us want to return to a given place and taste our favorite dish again. We should remember about equally important factors that improve the quality of our premises. What we mean here is fast and good service, decor, atmosphere in the premises, but above all, cleanliness.

Cleanliness – the first aspect of assessing a restaurant

Remember that although the main purpose of customers visiting any restaurant is to eat tasty food, the cleanliness of the restaurant is visible from the very entrance. Neglecting the order may result in the customer not staying in the premises long enough to try our specialties. The golden mean in keeping clean is regularity. Regular cleaning of the premises by the people responsible for it leads to proper hygiene and, consequently, the satisfaction of our customers. The best system for maintaining order is dividing the dining room into areas. In this principle, each waiter is responsible for his own space, which means properly preparing the table for the meal, i.e. thoroughly cleaning up after previous guests.

Division into areas, duties and workstations

In the case of restaurant toilets, the best method is to create a duty station in which each employee is responsible for this room at the appropriate time. His basic duties include: washing the floor, disinfecting door handles and taps in the sink, replenishing soap, paper and paper towels.

In the kitchen, the heart of our bistro, each employee should be responsible for keeping their workstation clean.

Every restaurant should be fully prepared and cleaned before opening time. Routine cleaning should be carried out regularly during the opening hours of the premises, general cleaning takes place at the end of work, and before opening, the last details, such as wiping the tables, should be worked out. A product that can be recommended for maintaining cleanliness in the dining room is Clinex Blink . It is a universal preparation for cleaning all washable, water-resistant surfaces. A large amount of alcohol causes the washed surface to dry quickly, leaving no streaks or stains. Gives the cleaned surface a delicate shine, leaving a pleasant scent. This preparation is suitable for manual cleaning of the floor and, at the appropriate recommended concentration, for washing tables before welcoming new customers.

A similar principle works in the kitchen. The person responsible for closing the kitchen must ensure that a clean workstation is handed over to his/her replacement. To clean the kitchen, it is recommended to use specialized products dedicated to gastronomy. Such agents, thanks to the higher content of active substances, allow for more economical cleaning. Modern ingredients additionally shine and protect the surface against re-soiling, making the subsequent cleaning process much easier.

Dishwashing liquid – a must have in every kitchen

The basic preparation in every kitchen is dishwashing liquid. Recommended, due to its degreasing properties and high economy, is Clinex Handwash . Thanks to its high ability to emulsify fats, it effectively removes all types of dirt, both in warm and cold water. In the kitchen, you should primarily focus on greasy dirt, because it predominates on most surfaces. A preparation that will effectively remove greasy contaminants and is safe for any material is Clinex Fast Gast . Perfectly dissolves old oil and fat contamination of animal and plant origin and multi-layer layers of dirt. When talking about cleanliness in the kitchen, we cannot forget about disinfecting surfaces in contact with food. The ideal solution in this case is Clinex DEZOFas t . It is an alkaline preparation based on tertiary alkylamine with bactericidal and fungicidal activity against yeast-like fungi, intended for disinfection and cleaning of waterproof surfaces and devices in direct contact with food.

Maintaining cleanliness in every restaurant is a basic activity that allows maintaining regular customers and acquiring new ones. Let us remember that it is the cleanliness of the premises that is first assessed by each customer after entering a bistro or restaurant. Only then can he try our culinary specialties.

We also recommend the ClinexEDU compendium of knowledge on maintaining cleanliness in the catering area. Check here.

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