Keeping the bakery tidy

A bakery is not a place where you can afford any shortcomings in cleaning. Here, work is combined with contact with food, so there can be no compromises.

Failure to keep order may negatively affect someone’s health and life. Therefore, keeping the bakery clean is essential. You should know that it is not only a hall where bread is baked. It also includes warehouse space, corridors and offices. Each of these rooms requires regular cleaning so that the semi-finished products used in baking, as well as the baked goods themselves, are not threatened by the influence of microorganisms or other contaminants.

Hygiene of the processing process is the entrepreneur’s responsibility!

The bakery owner is obliged to ensure the safety and hygiene of the food produced. For this purpose, it is also necessary to meet certain standards that are obligatorily imposed on the entrepreneur by Polish law. One of such obligations is the use of systems that guarantee the development and implementation of the company’s hygiene plan instructions.

Such a plan should include, among other things, information on the chemicals used. It should be remembered that some microorganisms may become resistant to the action of a given preparation over time. Therefore, it is extremely important to also remember to change chemicals periodically. This will ensure hygiene at a constant level of effectiveness.

Maintaining cleanliness in office rooms

As there is relatively less traffic in offices than in the production hall and there is no contact with loose ingredients, it is enough to follow standard rules for maintaining cleanliness:

Office rooms in a bakery, just like medical rooms, require proper hygiene.

Cleanliness in the dining room, toilet and corridors.

As in any job, in a bakery there must be a designated place for eating meals during breaks between work. Cleaning of the dining room is usually done after employees have finished their meal. It is important to know that certain microorganisms can be transported from outside with employees’ food, so cleaning and disinfecting substances play an important role here.

What is it like to keep the bakery production hall clean?

The bakery production hall is the place where most things happen. There, the dough is prepared and ingredients for making bread are mixed. In order for the entire process to take place in appropriate conditions, the hall must be properly prepared:

It should also be remembered that the production hall containing bread baking ovens is the place where the highest temperatures prevail. Therefore, it is important to keep not only the floors, but also the walls and, of course, the stoves impeccably clean. When the hall is not properly cleaned, arachnids and other insects can accumulate on the walls. Such guests can spread bacteria and viruses. Moreover, such an environment favors the deposition of fat from fat mists resulting from thermal processing. Therefore, occupational health and safety rules require regular cleaning and degreasing of entire surfaces.

When cleaning bakery ovens, remember to also use products for professional use. Foam preparations will work perfectly. Leaving the product for a few minutes will effectively remove dirt and disinfect the surface.

What about warehouse space?

Warehouses for both semi-finished products and finished products should be cleaned and disinfected periodically. All this to prevent them from becoming a place for bacteria and other microorganisms to live. For this purpose, walking surfaces, tables and shelves should be regularly cleaned and disinfected. The possibility of transmitting microorganisms on private clothing or under shoes must not be allowed. Therefore, in the warehouse, just like in the production hall, it is obligatory to wear protective clothing.

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