Maintaining cleanliness of conference rooms during peak season

Trainings, conferences, shows, meetings - training and conference rooms have a hard time in the fall season. Especially since a large number of people also means a large possibility of contamination. Stains from coffee or snacks served during coffee breaks, traces made with flipchart markers or pens, or mud brought in on shoes. The housekeeping department has its hands full during the conference season. However, it does not have to be difficult and tedious work. Not if they have professional cleaning products at their disposal. What kind of dirt does the cleaning team have to deal with?

Stains on the carpet

Carpet is the most common surface in conference rooms. It is durable, aesthetic and, above all, muffles footsteps or other sounds that could be disturbing during a training or conference. However, it is easy to get dirty and difficult to clean without leaving any discoloration or other damage. Unless we choose specialized cleaning agents for this type of surface.

Such a product can be found in the Clinex brand portfolio. We are talking about Clinex Textile SHP – a high-foaming, professional preparation intended for shampooing carpets, rugs and upholstery. It creates active foam that effectively separates dirt particles from the cleaned surface, making it easier to collect them completely with a vacuum cleaner. It contains a polymer that protects the fibers from getting dirty again, making the subsequent washing process easier.

Stains on furniture upholstery

One of the most common stains that are more difficult to deal with are stains on upholstery. Chairs and armchairs in the conference room are places that are exposed to dirt and should be cleaned using gentle agents that do not contain bleaching substances. A good example here is Clinex Textile Foam – foam for manual removal of dirt from upholstery. It does not contain any bleaching agents or brighteners and is easy to use. Moreover, it protects the cleaned surface against further contamination, preventing it from penetrating into the fiber structures. And it is very efficient.

Dirty screens

Currently, most conference rooms are equipped with various types of screens, TVs and even tablets. When moved or touched, they collect not only dust, but also other types of dirt. And cleaning them so as not to leave any streaks requires a lot of skill or… the use of an appropriate agent. For example, Clinex LCD – a ready-to-use cleaning preparation dedicated strictly to electronic displays. Effectively removes hand marks, grease stains, dirt and dust from smooth and porous surfaces. Importantly, it does not contain solvents that can damage the screen surface and does not cause it to become dull. It dries quickly, leaves no streaks and leaves a pleasant scent.

Dirt on wooden surfaces

Wood is one of the noblest finishing options, which adds a cozy and elegant atmosphere to the rooms. However, due to its absorbency, even after impregnation, it is exposed to dirt, the removal of which requires special care. Wooden surfaces are susceptible to scratches and discoloration, and do not respond well to excessive moisturizing, strong detergents and intensive scrubbing.

So how can you effectively remove difficult stains, such as coffee or tea, from wooden surfaces? Using specialized cleaning agents dedicated to this type of material. For example, Clinex Delos Shine with avocado oil. It is a ready-to-use, modern cleaning and care liquid intended for the care of wooden, wood-like and laminated furniture. It is extremely effective and easy to use. The formula is enriched with a concentrated protective emulsion in the form of avocado oil and polymers that deeply care for wooden surfaces. It leaves a satin shine and gives a fresh scent.

Dirty floors

The autumn and winter season is associated with mud and sand brought in by guests on their shoes. Sometimes simple sweeping and wiping the floors is enough, but sometimes something more is needed.

In the case of wooden floors, the cleaning agent should be effective, but at the same time safe for the delicate surface. For example , Clinex Wood&Panel liquid for cleaning laminated wooden and varnished floors. It is a concentrated liquid for cleaning and caring for protected wooden and wood-like floors. It dries quickly, so it does not leave streaks or stains on the washed surface. Modern technology means that cleaned surfaces are protected against re-deposition of dirt, which makes it much easier to keep them clean. It gives washed surfaces a delicate shine and deepens the natural color of the floor. It is ideal for daily cleaning and care of wooden and laminate floors, leaving a pleasant scent.

In the case of tiled floors, it is worth choosing a product that effectively removes dirt and at the same time protects the cleaned floor, delaying the process of dirt accumulation. A good example of such a product is Clinex Floral – Breeze – a universal, concentrated floor cleaning liquid. It evaporates quickly, leaving no streaks or stains, giving the washed surfaces a delicate shine. Regular use facilitates the subsequent washing process and is extremely efficient.

Tough stains

Finally, let’s add a few words about less typical stains that keep housekeeping department employees awake at night.

It is normal that they encounter stains from food or drinks, mud or pens on a daily basis. They know from experience how to deal with such situations and have a whole arsenal of agents for this type of dirt.

However, there is also less typical dirt: adhesives, ink from a printer or stamps, traces of stickers, or candle wax. In such cases, it is also worth choosing professional cleaning agents that will remove the mentioned stains without damaging the cleaned surface. For example, Clinex Anti-Spot – a preparation for use directly on dirt with a very effective and high efficiency. It deals with all difficult stains quickly, even removing chewing gum.

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