More effective, faster and more economical… washing in catering dishwashers

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Modern catering dishwashers use less and less water and energy, they are energy-saving devices and help optimize operating costs. They are one of the most important devices in service premises, not only speeding up work and relieving employees of their duties, but also providing them with higher work comfort. If you want the dishwasher to fulfill its role, you must choose the right one, adapted to the needs of the premises and the number of people served, as well as select appropriate cleaning agents.

Dedicated to your business

Dishwashers, although they all seem to perform the same function, in fact, these devices can be significantly different from each other. Every dishwasher is different. They have different properties, which means that some of them will work better for cleaning some dirt and worse for others. Therefore, before purchasing a dishwasher, you should spend some time and consider which one will be most suitable for your business. It is worth comparing offers from several manufacturers. This will ensure that we have trusted the right one, who is actually a market leader and has good product reviews. Once this stage is behind us, the next step is to compare the products on offer. A dishwasher is not the same as a dishwasher. Therefore, it is good to acquire knowledge about individual models. Then assess whether the product’s parameters will be sufficient to cope with dirt.

Catering dishwashers are becoming more and more modern

It is true that the dishwasher does not cause much stir in society. This is one of those products that is not usually talked about. You have it or you don’t. However, the history of the invention of the dishwasher and its subsequent conquest of the world is extremely interesting. The dishwasher was invented over 120 years ago by a woman who never washed dishes herself. What was her goal? She wanted to take care of her porcelain without damaging it when washing it by hand. This is one of the advantages of this device – it allows you to effectively reduce losses resulting from tableware breaks.

When washing dishes by hand, many of you have probably dropped a cup or a plate due to fatigue, absent-mindedness or a moment of inattention, which ended up breaking. As long as we are dealing with an ordinary vessel, you can breathe a sigh of relief because it does not result in any significant material loss. However, the matter becomes more complicated when we break an item of very expensive tableware or one that has great sentimental value for us and is passed down from generation to generation. Moreover, as already mentioned, catering dishwashers save energy and water, which is another advantage.

How does a dishwasher work in practice?

The dishes are washed at temperatures from 35 to 65°C, which makes it easier to remove difficult, dried dirt, including troublesome grease. We use specially dedicated cleaning agents, which further enhance the effect of clean dishes. It depends on them whether the dishes will be clean, all dirt removed, and whether they will look aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, you should always remember that having a dishwasher, even a top-shelf one, is only half the battle. The other half are the resources we will use to make the device wash the dishes for us. Of course, we would like to be positively surprised by the effect. We expect quality that we would not be able to achieve without a dishwasher.

The same situation occurs in the case of dishwashers used in restaurants and at home – not only cleaning agents are used, but also polishing agents. These are agents that, in addition to cleanliness, give the dishes a fantastic visual effect. Thanks to it, you can get the impression that the washed dishes look completely new. The liquid intended for catering dishwashers is Clinex DishWash. We recommend using it simultaneously with Clinex DiShine rinse aid, thanks to which the dishes will not only be washed, but also shiny. An interesting fact is that, as befits high-class products, both have a Health Quality Certificate issued by the National Institute of Hygiene. Clinex DishWash and Clinex DiShine are especially recommended for professional dishwashers in restaurants, hotels, catering establishments and automatic home dishwashers. This means that the products have certain characteristic features that allow them to be called universal products.

How to wash in a dishwasher effectively and economically?

You should choose both a good dishwasher that suits your needs and appropriate cleaning agents. Only the combination of these two things can provide us with the desired effect. Therefore, under no circumstances should you underestimate the cleaning agents that come with your dishwasher. In the case of appropriate selection of such accessories, proceed in the same way as when selecting the device itself. It is always recommended to use professional measures. Once we have collected the appropriate amount of necessary information, the last step will be to read the information provided by the manufacturer on the label. Using it in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations will guarantee that our dishes will not be damaged in any way in the dishwasher during the cleaning process.

Clinex DishWash and DiShine

Clinex DishWash liquid is intended for washing dishes made of stainless steel, porcelain and plastic in catering dishwashers, with the exception of aluminum dishes. When using it with Clinex DiShine rinse aid, both should be connected to the dishwasher and dosed in the right amount:

Clinex DishWash – 1-5 ml of liquid per 1 liter of water depending on the degree of water hardness

Clinex DiShine – 0.1-0.5 ml per 1 liter of water

DishWash is very efficient, cleans dishes effectively in low concentrations, removes dirt regardless of water hardness. Its formula does not contain NTA, EDTA, chlorine and phosphates, so it is ecological. Clinex DiShine liquid is a guarantee of long-lasting shine. In addition, the liquid accelerates the drying process of washed dishes, leaving no streaks and preventing the deposition of limescale deposits.

This is why it is so important to learn as much as possible about it before purchasing a dishwasher product. Cleaning the dirt is one thing, but creating white streaks after the washing process is finished is another. Many manufacturers of cleaning products treat this fact as a side effect. Meanwhile, it’s just another name for dirt. In the case of the Clinex brand, white streaks do not fit the definition of cleanliness. Therefore, the customer can use the product and at the same time be sure that it will not cause white streaks.

Professional measures ensure safety

Using products with such advanced properties has many advantages. The biggest of them is the complete lack of fear that the dishes will be damaged during washing. The second, equally important one, relates to image issues. I don’t think anyone would want to take unwashed dishes out of the dishwasher and then have to put dinner on them for the whole family. Dirt appearing on supposedly clean dishes is unacceptable for anyone involved in the kitchen, whether in a restaurant or at home. In the vast majority of cases, they can be divided into two categories. The first is food residue that the dishwasher did not clean. The second is white streaks left by less professional cleaning products. That is why it is so important to choose the right ones that ensure full safety.

Long list of advantages

In catering establishments, it is recommended to use both types of liquids at the same time. Thanks to this, the dishes after being removed from the dishwasher are not only clean, but also shiny. Using this method will allow you to achieve the best possible results. Their composition has been developed in such a way that, thanks to its efficiency, it saves money without reducing the quality of washing. So having a dishwasher really makes sense. First of all, while the dishwasher is working for us, we can spend this time on something else. The dishes will be clean and shiny thanks to cleaning products that will support the dishwasher during operation. Another aspect concerns water. One of the biggest myths is that the dishwasher uses excessive amounts of water. Each device of this type is programmed in a specific way. The dishwasher draws water according to the calculations entered into it. Its design has been designed so that water consumption is always lower than when washing dishes manually under running water.


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