New from Clinex! Professional Clinex DEZOFast disinfection product – also effective in the fight against coronaviruses!

We would like to inform you that on March 6, 2020, the Clinex DEZOFast product obtained a marketing authorization for a biocidal product issued by the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products no. 8010/20

In order to ensure the highest quality of products and guarantee safety and hygiene, the Clinex brand has introduced an innovative disinfectant preparation to the market. Clinex DEZOFast is a modern disinfectant that guarantees exceptional bactericidal and virucidal effectiveness. This is one of the few disinfectants that also works against coronaviruses!

Clinex DEZOFast in the fight against coronavirus

The coronavirus has recently become an extremely “popular” virus, the “name” of which we hear on average a dozen times a day. The fight against the epidemic that is sweeping virtually the entire world has put all chemical producers on their feet. The demand for cleaning and disinfecting products has increased dramatically. However, not all publicly available measures are able to effectively destroy the coronavirus. Most of them are mainly fungicidal and bactericidal preparations.

Appeal from the authorities

The Ministry appeals to everyone to maintain high hygiene. He assures that washing your hands frequently and thoroughly will largely protect you against the coronavirus. Also, thorough disinfection is currently the only fight against the spread of this invisible enemy. All public institutions should purchase professional disinfectants that guarantee virucidal effectiveness. Responsibility rests with each of us, so we should approach the matter in a unique way. You can’t panic, but you can’t ignore the problem either. Therefore, in order to protect ourselves against the coronavirus, we must consciously take care of personal hygiene and properly clean and disinfect the surfaces with which we come into contact.

New DEZOFast preparation

Therefore, the Clinex brand, present on the professional chemicals market, decided to produce a completely new type of disinfectant. This is how DEZOFast was created – a professional disinfectant for washable surfaces. Its greatest advantage is the fact that it is a disinfectant that also effectively fights viruses! DEZOFast is characterized by quick action and effectiveness in combating coronaviruses.

Guidance documents

The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control has developed documents containing guidelines for health care facilities and cleaning, as well as non-health care facilities (e.g. rooms, public offices, transport, schools, etc.), aimed at preventing and controlling the spread of the virus. The guidelines emphasized that due to the potential survival of the virus in the environment for several days, rooms and areas potentially contaminated with SARS-CoV-2 should be cleaned before reuse, using products containing antimicrobials known to be effective against coronaviruses.

Two strong players

The Clinex brand offers the Clinex DEZOFast product, which will soon be joined by a concentrated form. These are innovative disinfecting products with a broad spectrum of action. Their proven effectiveness in combating spores and various types of viruses means that they can be used on all washable surfaces. The preparation has excellent bactericidal and virucidal properties. Therefore, it becomes an ideal product for use in hospitals and other long-term care facilities. It is also recommended for disinfection in schools, restaurants, food processing plants and other public institutions. Effectively prevents disputes and viruses. It is one of the best preventive weapons to limit the spread of the coronavirus epidemic!

DEZOFast as a disinfectant product with a broad spectrum of action

The idea of ​​the Clinex brand is always the highest quality, effectiveness and simplicity of use. It perfectly cleans and disinfects surfaces also in the presence of dirt, blood or proteins. It has a lethal effect on bacteria, yeasts, fungi, enveloped and non-enveloped viruses and Clostridium difficile spores. It is highly efficient and exceptionally effective, which has been confirmed by numerous studies. An additional advantage, particularly worth emphasizing, is the fact that DEZOFast is an aldehyde-free product.

Where is the risk of coronavirus most common?

Public places such as hotels and restaurants are particularly vulnerable to the virus. Huge groups of people increase the risk of getting sick and thus spreading the virus, which is why it is necessary to introduce rigorous procedures for maintaining cleanliness in public places. Clinex – DEZOFast products will be perfect here, their spectrum of action is very wide, and what is important, they work against viruses. The product should be applied to washable surfaces and left in accordance with the recommendations on the product label. We must remember that the virus is able to survive on inanimate surfaces for up to 9 days, and in the human body it is able to show no symptoms of infection for many days, which is why it is so important to maintain cleanliness in public places, it can protect us from serious consequences.

How to use DEZOFast?

As a cleaning and strongly disinfecting product, it not only removes contamination, but also effectively disinfects the surface. However, for better disinfecting effects, it is recommended to remove all types of contamination from the surface before using the preparation.

To disinfect, wear gloves and spray the surface thoroughly. Then spread the product over it using a cloth.

Clinex DEZOFast

When using the preparation on floors or other waterproof surfaces, it does not require rinsing. Only if the floor is to be waxed or polished, this product should be thoroughly rinsed from the surface after use.

How often can DEZOFast be used and where will it be useful?

Clinex DEZOFast can be used every day or even more often, depending on your needs. Remember to prepare a fresh solution each time. DEZOFast can be used, among others, on all waterproof surfaces in:

Clinex DEZOFast preparation

When it comes to hairdressers, tattoo parlors, beauty salons or medical offices, it is not recommended to use the product on tools. If DEZOFast is used to disinfect surfaces in contact with food, they should then be rinsed with running water to remove any surfactant residues.

DEZOFast in high-level disinfection

Disinfection can be divided into three levels:

Low-level disinfection is one that significantly reduces the vegetative forms of bacteria, fungi or enveloped viruses. In medium-level disinfection, all species of vegetative forms of bacteria, fungi and viruses, including enveloped and non-enveloped ones, are reduced. The final level is high-level disinfection. All species of vegetative forms of fungi, bacteria and enveloped and non-enveloped viruses are reduced here. Moreover, spore forms, i.e. spores, are also reduced in this process.

To achieve high-level disinfection, an appropriate disinfectant must be used at a specific contact time. It is then possible to eliminate the appropriate spore species. DEZOFast is perfect for this purpose due to its high effectiveness and broad spectrum of action. However, please remember that the basic element of high-level disinfection is to first clean the surface of any dirt.

DEZOFast disinfection
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