Professional chemicals can be ECO – what does the ECOLABEL certificate mean?

The Clinex brand is a socially responsible brand that, at the basis of its philosophy, places great emphasis on innovation and ecology in products and throughout the entire product life cycle chain, which is confirmed by the EU Ecolabel certificate received, which will be discussed later in the article.

The ecological mission of the Clinex brand, a manufacturer of professional cleaning chemicals.

With the future of the environment in mind, the Clinex brand strategy constantly implements new changes and actions for ecology. The first symbol of changes was the modification of the logo and the introduction of the program along with the marking “Safe for You, Safe for the Earth” or “Safe for You Safe for Earth”. Products marked with this sign they guarantee safety of use for the user and the natural environment, thus fitting into the ecological idea of ​​the brand.

Safe for You Safe for Earth

What exactly does a “Safe for You” product mean?

What exactly does an environmentally safe product (“Safe for Earth”) mean?

Clinex makes every effort to eliminate substances from its products that pose a threat to the health of their users. At the same time, without reducing the quality attributes of the products. Their quality is confirmed by the ISO 9001 quality certificate. We use the latest technologies – biodegradable components, polymers and nanotechnology. Recipes developed using nanostructures increase the effectiveness of products, antibacterial protection, and allergy neutrality, ensuring their effectiveness and safety of use. We make sure that our products are increasingly environmentally friendly and ergonomic in use.

By using natural ingredients and biologically neutral raw materials, we want to actively take care of the condition of waters and rivers, and also contribute to reducing the amount of plastic that will enter the natural environment. To this end, we are introducing 100% recycled bottles.

Product recipes are an important element of the ecological strategy. Already at the stage of product creation, we take into account raw materials of natural origin and those that are completely biodegradable. A milestone in pro-ecological activities was obtaining the European ECOLABEL accreditation.

What is ECOLABEL certificate?

Ecolabel label

The ECOLABEL program aims to create sustainable solutions based on life cycle assessment and the common goal of reducing the environmental impact of production activities or product consumption. The product must meet stringent requirements at all stages of its life cycle. The eco strategy of the Clinex brand includes not only activities related to the product and its packaging, but also related to production, sales and communication. The ECO LABEL program was created to define truly ecological products. The ECO LABEL accreditation system is a program that consumers trust. People are now much more aware of their impact on health and the environment and are turning to products that meet high standards.

What products and business areas can apply for the Ecolabel certificate?

These include:

Do you want to buy ecologically, but are you afraid that the “ECO” inscription is just a marketing ploy?

Nothing could be further from the truth. The Ecolabel mark is a guarantee of the quality of products and their positive impact on the environment. The certificate is awarded:

More and more European consumers are aware of the importance of the Ecolabel program. Due to a number of restrictions on accreditation, Ecolabel-certified products also gain greater trust among consumers. A study for the Ministry of Climate and Environment carried out by PBS Sp. z o. o. and BR Spółka z o. o. regarding the study of ecological awareness and behavior of Polish residents from 2020. shows that, in the opinion of 69% of respondents, the state of the environment depends to the greatest extent on the activity of each of us. As a result, as many as 90% of respondents indicate that they can also accept the additional cost if they choose ecological solutions.[1]


Choose consciously, choose wisely. Our products with the EU Ecolabel mark – Clinex Green

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