Safe spa zone – which disinfectants should you choose?

The SPA zone is the part of the hotel, next to the kitchen and restaurant, where the use of appropriate disinfectants is of great importance. Here, surfaces and equipment come into direct contact with guests' bodies.

Cleanliness in the hotel SPA

The hotel SPA is a place where guests expect relaxation, rest and the right atmosphere. During treatments, their skin comes into direct contact with the tools and surfaces in the office. Therefore, disinfectants are a necessary product.

Similarly to the kitchen, SPA areas are also subject to cleanliness regulations. The main supervision over them is carried out by the State Sanitary Inspection, while current and emergency supervision is carried out by the District Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. It has the right to carry out both announced and unannounced inspections.

All obligations related to maintaining cleanliness in this type of facilities result from the Act of December 5, 2008 on preventing and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 151).

Due to the health of guests using the SPA zone and legal requirements, regular cleaning and disinfection of equipment and all rooms is necessary. Moreover, employees should be trained in hygiene and disinfection procedures and strictly follow them. It is also important that devices, equipment and tools are not only washed, but also disinfected after each use.

It is important that disinfection processes are carried out using appropriate agents, intended for:

Such products should have current expiry dates and be stored in their original packaging. In the case of preparing working solutions in substitute packaging, appropriate information should be placed on them, including the name of the agent, the date of preparation and the name of the person who prepared it.

How to choose the right disinfectants for a SPA?

After each treatment, the office should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. This involves additional time spent by employees performing treatments. Therefore, it is worth providing them with resources that will not make preparing their offices too time-consuming. They should have a strong disinfecting effect, but at the same time be safe.

In the case of strong biocidal fluids, special attention should be paid to ensuring that, in accordance with the Act of October 9, 2015 on biocidal products (Journal of Laws of 2015, item 1926, as amended) it was on the list of products authorized for trading in the territory of the Republic of Poland. Recommended products for disinfection in the beauty industry are the alcohol-based Clinex DezoClinic liquid and the alcohol-free Clinex DezoMed preparation.

DezoClinic product
DezoClinic product

Hand disinfection with an exotic coconut scent

In addition to maintaining hygienic cleanliness of surfaces, hand hygiene is equally important. When choosing the right agent, it is worth paying attention not only to its disinfecting properties, but also to how it affects the condition of the skin. It should not dry it out in any way or leave a sticky feeling. Such a product is Clinex DEZOSept , which, thanks to the content of caring substances, does not dry the skin, does not leave a feeling of stickiness and, what’s more, has a pleasant scent of coconut milk.

Clinex Beauty disinfectants
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