SOS for hoteliers: how to deal with stains on upholstered furniture?

Upholstered furniture is definitely one of the most comfortable and aesthetic choices. They make rooms cozy, encouraging you to sit down, drink coffee, eat a good dessert, read a book - simply relax. But this is what promotes stains. And while removing light stains that appear on smooth surfaces, such as leather or imitation leather, is a no-brainer for anyone, in the case of upholstery it may be a more time-consuming task. And what about when more difficult stains appear...

Why do stains on upholstery cause so many problems?

Furniture and upholstered surfaces, although they have their charm, also have a dark side. These materials often absorb liquids and dirt deep into the fibers, making them difficult to remove. Some cleaning products may damage or dull them, or cause the stain to spread to a larger area instead of disappearing.

It also happens that after several unsuccessful attempts to clean them, the stains become embedded in the material so much that they become virtually impossible to remove. This happens primarily when we use inappropriate cleaning agents to clean them. Most often, they are the result of attempts to remove them with poorly selected, untested “home remedies”.

However, this is not the only threat. If we use too strong a cleaning agent, for example one with a bleaching effect, we may remove the dirt along with the color of the upholstery, which results in the appearance of light or even completely white stains.

Therefore, when cleaning upholstered surfaces, you should not experiment too much with so-called “home methods” and select appropriate cleaning agents. Before you start removing dirt, it is also worth doing a small test on a small and invisible part of the surface. We will then be sure whether a given preparation will not harm the cleaned fabric.

How to choose the right upholstery cleaning agent?

Upholstered surfaces need proper care to remain beautiful and useful for a long time. Therefore, to care for them, you should choose appropriate preparations that will remove even heavy dirt, but will not damage the fabric. They should be effective, but at the same time gentle and under no circumstances should they contain any bleaching substances. But can products without such substances be effective? Of course!

To remove stains such as red wine from carpets and upholstered furniture or ink stains, a good solution is to use a ready-made solution in the form of an active foam called CLINEX TEXTILE FOAM . This preparation does not soak the cleaned surface too much and contains innovative polymers that extend the service life of the cleaned surface.

When removing stains from intensely colored upholstery, it is necessary to use strong stain removers that do not contain bleaching or brightening substances. In this case, the recommended product is CLINEX TEXTILE FOAM, which is safe for the cleaned fibers while leaving a pleasant, fresh scent.

Let us also remember that in the case of only local removal of dirt, it sometimes happens that a clear difference can be seen between the cleaned surface and the rest of the material. Then the entire piece of furniture should be cleaned. Clinex Textile SHP concentrated shampoo for washing carpets and upholstery is recommended here. Thanks to the fact that it creates active foam, effectively separating dirt particles from the cleaned surface. Additionally, it contains a polymer that protects the fibers from getting dirty again, makes the materials soft and fluffy, and leaves a pleasant scent.

Remedy for extremely difficult stains

The biggest challenge when removing stains is removing those that do not dissolve in water. Examples of such stains include: tar, oils, resin, fatty food products, grease, sticker glue and chewing gum. Removing tar stains is particularly difficult and requires proper surface preparation and testing in a less visible place, because products for removing such stains often contain solvents that can damage various materials, such as dyes, soft plastic, plexiglass or rubber.

To remove such stains, we recommend the Clinex Anti-Spot product, which enjoys a good reputation among users. It is available in a convenient aerosol packaging, which allows precise dosing of the product directly onto the stain. To remove a stain, apply the product to the stain and leave it for a few seconds. Then remove the dissolved dirt with a clean and absorbent cloth. For chewing gum, you can use a spatula to make removal easier. Clinex Anti-Spot contains natural orange terpene, i.e. orange peel extract, which is effective in removing even very heavy stains, including grease, which cannot be removed with other preparations. It is also safe to use because it does not contain bleaching or brightening substances. It can be used on a variety of surfaces, such as waterproof and textile, and its use reduces the time needed for cleaning. This is a product that should be included in the basic assortment of every cleaning company.

Training in removing stains from textiles

If you would like to learn more about how to quickly and effectively deal with stains on upholstered surfaces, rugs or rugs. Clinex has prepared an interesting training for you. You will learn, among other things, how to recognize what stains we may be dealing with and how to choose the right agents to clean them. Sign up for ONLINE training on March 23, 2023 HERE

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