Sterile cleanliness on surfaces in direct contact with food

Guests and customers of catering establishments, when choosing a specific restaurant, bar or hotel, place great trust in their owners. They believe that they can not only spend a nice time there, but also eat well, tasty and therefore safely. Maintaining sterile cleanliness in rooms where food is prepared is therefore particularly important and should be a priority for people managing the premises.

Food hygiene – Sterile cleanliness

A large number of different dishes are prepared every day on countertops and in catering equipment. One of the causes of food poisoning is the transfer of germs from raw food products, e.g. to worktops, from which they then get into products eaten raw, e.g. vegetables and fruits. For this reason, it is recommended to use boards, preferably in different colors, each intended for a different type of food. After handling raw meat and fish, wash your hands immediately with soap and water or a disinfectant. Food should be stored covered, and raw products should be separated from cooked and baked products.

Frequently used dishes, cutlery and other objects should be regularly disinfected to remove germs that are dangerous to human health. Before each use, we make sure they are properly clean. One of the most important activities is regular washing and disinfection of surfaces intended for food preparation. Those that come into direct contact with food.

Please remember that not all types of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms can be eliminated by treating them with hot water. Of course, there are those that succumb to it, but most of them require the use of professional and fast-acting preparations. In addition to having bactericidal, viral and fungicidal properties, these preparations must be neutral in contact with food. Some measures require a grace period for reusing the catering space. Clinex products, apart from immediately removing biological pathogens and cleaning the surface, allow for immediate use and contact with food.

Dangers to food during its preparation

Although both dishes and cutlery must be cleaned and disinfected, unforeseen events may occur. This state of affairs is primarily influenced by the process of preparing food and the condition of the place where it is prepared. This is when harmful pathogenic bacteria may be transferred or harmful chemical compounds may be formed. In addition to the highest level of hygiene, people in such a position must also demonstrate excellent knowledge of their work. Many unpleasant events for human health have their origins at the hands of people preparing meals. Not only should you take care of the hygiene of the workplace, but also the hygiene of performing individual activities. The most important thing is to clean and disinfect the surfaces where food will be prepared.

Surface cleaning – Cleanliness in the kitchen

It is important to use only agents intended for food contact surfaces to disinfect them. Their use will not have a negative impact on the quality of dishes or human health. They should have the Permit of the Minister of Health to trade in a biocidal product, which was granted to the Clinex Barren product. This ensures that harmful bacteria are removed from the surface in a safe and hygienic manner. This also indicates that the agent can be used on surfaces in contact with food.

Clinex Barren is a concentrate for cleaning and disinfecting washable surfaces in contact with food. It is based on tertiary alkylamine with bactericidal and fungicidal properties. It can be used in catering establishments, cosmetic plants, public utility institutions, and in the dairy, meat and food industries.

Before using it, the cleaning surface should be swept or vacuumed. We dilute the preparation in proportions of 50-100 ml per 10 liters of water and apply it to the surface using the foam method, manual spraying or using a mop. To achieve its maximum effectiveness, disinfect at room temperature and leave the preparation for approx. 5 minutes.

We also recommend Clinex NPS Table for everyday use. It disinfects thanks to the alcohol content, and the nanotechnology used in it ensures long-lasting cleanliness.

How important is the hygiene of surfaces in contact with food?

At the end of the article, it is worth paying special attention to the general cleanliness of countertops and all surfaces on which food products come into contact. It is true that every person introduces a lot of bacteria into their body every day, which are eliminated in the digestive system. A healthy person does not have to be afraid of them, even though they often have dangerous-sounding Latin names. There are also some that must be eliminated before they come into contact with humans. This can lead to very serious health consequences. These are primarily bacteria and fungi that multiply rapidly on surfaces that have previously been in contact with food.

Raw products in particular are easy carriers of these microorganisms. Regularly cleaning surfaces that come into contact with raw products protects against the transfer of harmful microorganisms. Often, the person who prepares products for consumption becomes a carrier of this microbiome. Therefore, the hygiene of the working person and the hygiene of the floor help greatly in preventing infections.

Regular use of Clinex cleaning and disinfection products from the professional line intended for gastronomy will help with this. These products ensure impeccable surface cleanliness and perfect protection against all types of microorganisms.

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