Summer gardens, patios – how to keep them clean?

Summer. Holidays. There are a lot of guests in restaurants and they are everywhere. Yes, this is the time when we must take care not only of the cleanliness inside the premises, but also outside. We cannot forget about summer gardens, gazebos, patios and parking lots. If we do not have such major infrastructure, we certainly have at least a step in front of the entrance, which must also look neat and clean. After all, you only make a first impression once! A positive reception of our premises by guests will ensure the use of professional cleaning chemicals.

Summer gardens – we take care of the furniture.

Most summer gardens and terraces are equipped with furniture made of plastic. This is understandable – they are not only easier to care for, but also more resistant to harmful environmental factors, to which they are particularly exposed when located outdoors. In many cases, this furniture is a perfect imitation of other materials such as rattan or wood. They also need special care and attention, as they are easy to scratch or suffer other mechanical damage. “ Clinex Fast Plast liquid is very effective and safe. Perfectly removes dirt from porous surfaces. It leaves an antistatic coating that prevents dust from accumulating. Does not leave streaks or stains. Cares and protects cleaned surfaces. – advises an expert from Clinex. However, Clinex Table universal cleaning liquid is perfect for cleaning wooden furniture.

Windows and glass countertops outside the restaurant.

Surfaces made of glass require special care, especially in summer. The holiday months are a time when sunny rays highlight any dirt or streaks, and also encourage dust to settle on countertops, glass display cabinets and windows. It is worth taking care not only of the aesthetic appearance, but also of the protection of the cleaned surface. The ideal choice will be the professional Clinex Glass Foam cleaning fluid. This preparation removes even demanding, dried dirt, deposits, grease and insects. After its use, we get a crystal-clear and shiny glass, which is additionally protected with an antistatic coating that prevents the rapid re-appearance of further dirt.

Let’s remember about the cleanliness of the floors.

Floors in summer gardens, platforms and terraces are often made of materials with a porous surface. These surfaces are extremely difficult to keep clean. Therefore, you should act wisely and choose an effective, efficient and, above all, professional chemical preparation. Suitable products will be Clinex 4Dirt and Clinex Anti-Oil . “Both agents work very intensively, deeply penetrating all cavities. They are great at cleaning heavily dirty, porous and rough surfaces. They penetrate deep into the pores, thoroughly cleaning accumulated dust and dirt. They remove all contaminants and clean the surface perfectly.” – adds a specialist from Clinex.

Finally, we fight against unwanted greenery in summer gardens and patios.

Unwanted green growths, mosses, lichens, grasses and weeds – self-seeded plants are the nightmare of outdoor terraces. They most often appear on paving, tiles or panels, but also on facades. To fight them, you should choose a professional ally in the form of dedicated cleaning chemicals. We recommend the highly effective Clinex ALG , which, thanks to its reliable operation, also allows us to save time and money that we waste when purchasing less effective products. It is also versatile, allowing you to use one product instead of many. Another advantage of Clinex ALG is its long-lasting effect. This liquid creates an unfavorable environment for the development of green coatings and protects the cleaned surfaces against their re-formation, thanks to which they remain clean for longer. He is safe in all this. This increases the satisfaction of both restaurateurs and guests. You can find more information about removing unwanted greenery in this article.

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