Surface neutralization as an essential cleaning process

(zdj. Unsplash)

Have you ever wondered why there are streaks and tarnish on the floor you wash every day? You have already tried different liquids and even use a higher concentration of solution than recommended by the manufacturer on the packaging, hoping that it will help. Unfortunately, this is not a good solution. Below we advise you how to proceed in such a situation.

Surface neutralization – From the article you will learn:

What substances accumulate and why?
How to safely remove deposited substances?
What about washing with just water?

In accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations

Floor cleaning liquids contain detergents, wetting agents, solvents, dyes, fragrances, protective and polishing substances. All these substances are necessary elements of the washing liquid, but in appropriate quantities, selected to fulfill their purpose. Their excess on the floor will have an undesirable effect. The cause of streaks is improper use of the product, i.e. too high concentration of the solution and skipping the neutralization process. Neutralization is nothing more than washing the surface with large amounts of water. That is why it is so important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. You’ll usually find them listed in the fine print on the label. Only by proceeding in accordance with the recommendations will the washing process proceed properly and, after its completion, we will see the best possible results. Therefore, before using chemical products, you should learn how to use them.

Neutralization – How to deal with streaks?

Often, the reaction of the person washing the floor when they see streaks is to use a higher concentration of solution than recommended on the packaging. We then think that it will help and we will remove the dirt more thoroughly. Unfortunately, the effect is the opposite. Too high a concentration of the product causes detergents and all other ingredients contained in the product to accumulate on the floor. As a result, streaks are created and the floor gets dirty faster because dirt easily sticks to the raw materials remaining on the floor. If we checked the pH of such a surface, it would turn out to be acidic or alkaline. This indicates that detergents have accumulated. The easiest way to prevent such situations is to use the appropriate concentration of the solution, i.e. the one recommended by the manufacturer on the packaging. It is sufficient to wash away the dirt. However, if we have already made a mistake, in order to deal with the problem, we must perform a thorough cleaning to remove all accumulated dirt, and then neutralize the floor by washing it with large amounts of water to remove any residual detergents. The surface is neutralized when it reaches a neutral pH.

When cleaning, remember about the details

Neutralization of the surface is a very important element of maintaining cleanliness and should always be performed after thorough cleaning, because thorough cleaning agents have an extreme pH and contain a lot of detergents. We must wash them thoroughly. In this way, we will also remove the remains of dirt dissolved by the solvents contained in the liquid from the washed surface. If we skipped this stage of cleaning, raw materials and dirt remnants would remain on the floor, causing ugly streaks and dirt to adhere more quickly. Therefore, when performing a thorough cleaning, you need to remember about the details. Thanks to this, the washing process will be complete and will meet our expectations. The surface will be clean, dirt will be gone, and there will be no residues left after unprofessional cleaning. It is also worth remembering that quality products leave a protective layer on the cleaned surface, which makes dirt accumulate more slowly. This saves you money.

It is worth following this recommendation because we will achieve a much better washing effect and it will last much longer. This is a very simple and at the same time very important washing step that cannot be forgotten.


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