The cleanliness of the reception is the hallmark of the hotel

They say you can only make a first impression once. Therefore, it is worth making every effort to make it positive. Various studies show that the first impression lasts only a few to a dozen or so seconds. How does the cleanliness of the reception area affect the image of the hotel?

Reception – the guest’s first point in the hotel

It all starts with the first impression, and in the case of a hotel, the reception is the first point of meeting the guest. Therefore, it should be a showcase of the hotel that reflects its standards, values ​​and approach to guest service. And it’s not just about friendly and professional service, although this is one of the most important issues shaping the opinion about the facility. It is also about the appearance of the reception itself – whether it is a well-kept and, above all, clean place.

A visit to a hotel usually begins with entering the building and going to the reception desk. Guests evaluate the hotel from the first moments, and the cleanliness of the reception is one of the most important elements that catch their eye. A clean, neat and well-kept reception attracts attention and creates a positive impression. On the other hand, a dirty and neglected reception desk may discourage guests, no matter how luxurious the hotel is.

Why is reception cleanliness so important?

A clean reception area is the first step to ensuring a positive first impression. Guests who see from the very beginning of their stay that the hotel cares about its surroundings will be more likely to positively evaluate the rest of the offer. A well-kept and clean reception also proves the professionalism of the hotel staff. Guests feel more confident when they see that employees care about the surroundings, which affects their trust in the service. It is also a matter of comfort and hygiene. A dirty reception area can cause anxiety and doubts about the hygiene of the entire facility, which helps build a positive reputation for the hotel. It has long been known that guests who are satisfied with their stay are willing to share their opinions with others.

How to keep the reception clean

The reception is a place where there is always something going on. Checking out and checking in guests, responding to their current needs and questions, receiving correspondence and parcels. How to ensure that it is always clean and well-groomed in the heat of work?

First of all, the staff should regularly pay attention to the cleanliness of the reception area and immediately remove any dirt. Therefore, reception staff should be properly trained in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene. A hygiene plan will be ideal in this case – a detailed plan for cleaning specific types of surfaces using the best-suited products, along with a description of how to use them. It is worth establishing a cleaning schedule that covers not only the floor and furniture, but also additional elements, such as a reception console, computer or telephones.

Choosing the right cleaning agents is equally important. Ideally, these are professional products, intended strictly for the industry. We can then be sure that all dirt will be removed thoroughly, quickly and, above all, without harming the cleaned surfaces. The Clinex brand offers a wide range of professional cleaning agents for all surfaces. Our extensive portfolio includes products for cleaning floors, protecting floors, refreshing, cleaning washable surfaces, washing and cleaning equipment, sanitary facilities, and cleaning textiles.

The cleanliness of the reception area is a key element in creating the guest experience at the hotel. That’s why keeping it clean is so important. This affects the sense of comfort, trust and perception of the hotel as a professional and valuable place to stay.

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