The use of nanotechnology in Clinex products. What is nanotechnology and how is it used in professional cleaning products?

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The term nanotechnology is familiar to us, but most people may associate it with advanced space technology. However, it is worth knowing that today the use of nanotechnology goes much further. It is used, among others, in cosmetics, construction and professional cleaning products. The use of nano technology in the production of professional cleaning chemicals is one of the strengths of the Clinex brand. Find out what nanotechnology is and find out how nanoparticles improve cleaning.

What is nanotechnology?

The term nanotechnology covers a wide range of issues, including materials engineering, chemistry, biology, physics and other natural sciences. Scientists define nanotechnology as a science that deals with the production, design and modification of structures on the nano scale. Therefore, nanotechnology covers objects having at least one dimension smaller than 100 nm. The nano scale shows us that nanotechnology is the design and production of structures at the level of atoms and molecules.

Nanotechnology application in professional household chemicals

Thanks to the use of microscopic active particles in cleaning products, with a diameter of only a few or a dozen or so nanometers, we gain high activity. Thanks to this, nanoparticles are able to penetrate deep into the pores and effectively remove various impurities. Moreover, nanoparticles, thanks to intermolecular interactions, effectively remove dirt without unnecessary scrubbing. This translates into high effectiveness of cleaning products, which is of great importance in many industries. But that’s not all. Because the use of nanotechnology in cleaning products also has one extremely important property – hydrophilicity . This is one of the key applications of nanotechnology . Hydrophobization of the surface allows it to be effectively protected against moisture and contamination. Thanks to this, the cleaned surface maintains its impeccable appearance for longer.

Nanotechnology products – the use of space nanotechnology in everyday life

Currently, there are many applications for products manufactured using nano technology. Nanotechnology can be found not only in professional chemicals, but also in other everyday products. Preparations containing silver nanoparticles , such as Clinex Nano Protect Silver Table, definitely deserve attention here. It is a product containing active nano particles that effectively destroy bacteria, fungi and spores, leaving the surface disinfectantly clean. It is perfect for daily and periodic disinfection of all types of countertops, kitchen appliances, containers and even the interior of refrigeration devices.

It has been scientifically proven that even trace amounts of crushed silver preparations disinfect effectively. Nano particles of silver also have a disinfecting and even healing and cosmetic effect, which is why nanotechnology is often used in cosmetics .

Another preparation worth attention in which Clinex uses nanotechnology is Clinex Nano Protect Silver Odor Killer – Fresh . It is an effective agent that neutralizes unpleasant odors, including: the smell of tobacco smoke, kitchen, sanitary or putrid odors. Its active nanoparticles completely neutralize odors, effectively eliminating not only their effects, but also the cause. Therefore, the product works permanently, and not, like other drugstore preparations, only when used.

The use of silica in Clinex nanopreparations

Another type of product in which the Clinex brand effectively uses nanotechnology is silicon preparations . Products containing colloidal silicon are used in cleaning glass, ceramic and stone surfaces. Colloidal silica particles allow for a hydrophilic effect, which makes the surface resistant to dirt. These agents have antistatic properties, and preparations for cleaning glass surfaces also provide an anti-fog effect. A perfect example would be Clinex Nano Protect Glass , a nano-preparation for cleaning glass surfaces. Its use not only allows you to remove stubborn dirt, but also leaves a crystalline shine on the windows for longer. It also effectively removes fat without streaks.

The list of products using silicon nanoparticles also includes Clinex Nano Protect Floral . It is a low-foaming agent for cleaning waterproof floors, which does not contain allergens and leaves a pleasant scent for a long time. It does not leave any stains or streaks, giving the cleaned surface a subtle shine. As a preparation containing nanosilica , it has properties that modify cleaned surfaces, thus effectively protecting them against dirt. This makes it even easier to keep floors in perfect condition and makes subsequent cleaning much easier.

Application of nanotechnology – summary

To sum up, the technology once used only for space purposes, today finds its application in a much wider spectrum. It makes everyday activities easier and allows us to save time, which we lack so much today. Nanotechnology can change our world, and its constant development allows us to achieve success in many areas. There is no shortage of advantages of its use, especially in nanopreparations. Nanotechnology allows the production of extremely efficient and, most importantly, environmentally and human-friendly products.

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