Washing dishes, saving water

Washing dishes is an activity known to everyone and necessary to keep the kitchen clean. When performing this activity, we use large amounts of water and electricity. Regardless of whether we have a dishwasher or not, for the sake of our budget and the environment, we should think about washing dishes as economically as possible.

Washing dishes, saving water

For every company related to the catering industry, dishwashing is an important and indispensable area of ​​business. Restaurants are implementing various solutions to reduce water consumption – after all, it is not only pro-ecological action, but also affects the budget. Appropriate management of resources, including water consumption, allows you to significantly reduce company expenses.

Both washing dishes by hand and washing them in a dishwasher can allow us to behave pro-ecologically. There is a belief that washing dishes in a dishwasher is much more economical than washing them by hand. A dishwasher is a great solution when you have to wash large amounts of dishes every day. This is the basic equipment for every professional hotel kitchen, restaurant and other catering facilities. It allows you to thoroughly wash a large number of dishes in a very short time. However, for various reasons, smaller catering outlets also practice hand washing of dishes, which can also be very economical and ecological.

Washing dishes in dishwashers – which detergent depends on water hardness?

The very fact that we have a dishwasher is a good sign that we are saving water. Modern dishwashers use little water. We ourselves can contribute to ensuring that this consumption is really minimal – while washing effectively. When loading dishes into the dishwasher, we should always remove food remnants first. We arrange the dishes in the dishwasher according to the flow of water and, if possible, we place the dirtier dishes at the bottom and the less dirty ones at the top. Always fill the dishwasher completely, avoiding empty wash cycles. Dishwashers have various types of programs – which allows us to adjust the washing cycle to our needs, the type of dishes and the degree of dirt of the dishes. If the dishes are not very dirty, we can use the “eco” program, i.e. economical. Choosing the right detergent is also very important.

How to choose the right detergent for catering dishwashers?

A professional kitchen, especially during the high season, requires quick cleaning of tableware and preparation for the needs of new guests. In this industry, you cannot afford even a temporary lack of dishes for restaurant guests. Therefore, efficient and effective cleaning in the dishwasher works best. When purchasing agents for professional catering dishwashers, it is worth paying attention to several factors, such as water hardness.

If it is of poor quality, it may sometimes happen that it will be necessary to wash the dishes again or the cleanliness of the dishes will be improved by traditional washing, which does not help save water. It is worth trying Clinex products, which recommend an appropriate preparation depending on the degree of water hardness. In the case of soft and medium-hard water, we use a universal preparation for dishwashers, such as CLINEX DishWash . In this preparation, the content of substances responsible for reducing water hardness is selected so that the quality of washing is satisfactory. In the case of hard water, we use a preparation with a much higher content of softening substances, for example CLINEX DishHard . Thanks to this solution, we are able to reduce water hardness and achieve high quality washing. However, we must remember that to obtain this effect we use the CLINEX DishHard preparation together with the CLINEX ShineHard polishing product for hard water.

It is also worth purchasing a rinse aid for catering dishwashers, for example CLINEX DiShine . It is a concentrated preparation for rinsing and polishing dishes. This agent contains a desiccant that accelerates the flow of water from the surface, while ensuring that no stains or streaks are left. We obtain a shiny effect – very desirable in restaurants, and we also eliminate the risk of deposits.

Washing glassware – also possible in catering dishwashers!

Modern, innovative methods of preparing cleaning agents also allow even glass to be effectively washed in dishwashers. There is also another product for this purpose – preferably one that can perfectly cope with traces left on glass drinking vessels, for example fingerprints or lipstick residues.

The CLINEX DishGlass product is dedicated to glass dishes. Washing glass in professional catering dishwashers is an eternal problem: glass corrosion, streaks on thin glass, silicon deposits. This product contains substances that support the washing process, e.g. the amount of water softening substances is selected to prevent glass corrosion. The product contains additional corrosion inhibitors that protect the glass. The products contain substances that facilitate the drying of thin glass and dispersants that prevent silicon from accumulating on the glass.

Economical hand washing of dishes

Contrary to appearances, hand washing can also be economical. It depends on the washing technique. For this to be the case, we certainly cannot afford to wash dishes under a tap with the water constantly turned on. As with washing in the dishwasher, you must first get rid of any food remnants. The best solution is to use two sink bowls or bowls. In one chamber, soak the dishes in warm water with washing liquid, and we will also wash the dishes there. We use the liquid according to the recommendations on the label.

Follow the recommendations

Using too much liquid will make it difficult to rinse and we will use a lot of water. However, too small an amount will not be enough to wash the dishes well. Washing dishes in warm or even hot water is also important, it is much more effective than washing in cold water. Fill the second bowl of the sink with clean water. It will be used to rinse dishes. We start washing with less dirty dishes. When the water becomes dirty, we replace it with clean water. The liquid we use is also important when washing by hand. Poor quality liquid will not give us satisfactory results, we will use more liquid, water, electricity or gas – if we heat water this way.

When choosing a preparation, it is also worth paying attention to the fact that some cleaning agents are perfect for cleaning porcelain, plastics, stainless steel and kitchen cutlery, but are not suitable for aluminum dishes.

The Clinex brand, a supplier of professional chemicals, recommends CLINEX HandWash – a universal and very efficient liquid for manual dishwashing. Importantly, it is dermatologically tested, so it will not have a negative impact on your hands. Thanks to its high ability to emulsify fats, CLINEX HandWash easily removes dirt, food remains, grease and all dried dirt. By using a preparation with a good composition, we are guaranteed a shiny shine without the need to wipe it dry, which also has a positive effect on the working time. It is highly concentrated, so only a very small amount is needed for effective cleaning.

Due to high bills or the ecological trend, saving water is very important. Appropriate washing technique and liquids used for washing dishes help us achieve a satisfactory effect.

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