What is the difference between professional and home chemicals? Comparison

When running a cleaning company or wanting to open one, it is worth knowing the difference between professional and household chemicals. In this article, we will compare both types of cleaning products. We will also check why using specialized cleaning products is more profitable for cleaning companies. We will also explain how professional products can help you achieve a clean and safe environment.

Professional chemicals have greater cleaning power

Cleaning the mirror with professional Clinex Glass preparation

What are the differences between professional and household chemicals when it comes to cleaning power? First of all, the former is unrivaled in terms of cleaning power compared to its home counterparts. Why? First of all, professional chemicals have much stronger ingredients for removing difficult dirt in large commercial spaces. The ingredients used in professional chemicals are concentrated and more effective than those found in household cleaning products. This matters even for small cleaning companies.

Professional cleaning products also differ from household chemicals in pH. Professional cleaners have pH levels that are much higher or lower than available household cleaning products. Thanks to a higher or lower pH than in household preparations, professional chemicals can remove dirt more effectively and dissolve even dirt accumulated over many years.

Professional chemicals have a stronger composition

Cleaning the grill with a professional Clinex Grill cleaning agent

What is the difference between the composition of professional chemicals and household chemicals? Of course, the composition of both types of preparations is different. The ingredients used to produce chemicals for professional use may contain solvents or acids, which are intended to intensify the entire cleaning process and remove difficult dirt.

Professional cleaning products, depending on the product and its purpose, may contain disinfecting ingredients intended to kill and destroy bacteria or viruses on a large scale. For this reason, professional chemicals are used in medical facilities, schools and public buildings, where maintaining cleanliness and hygiene must be thorough and effective to ensure adequate safety.

Differences in use

Woman doing professional cleaning

The differences between professional and home chemicals are also visible in the method of use . Depending on your needs, professional cleaning products can be used for both manual and machine cleaning of surfaces. Unfortunately, household chemicals are not suitable for use in cleaning devices.

What is the reason for the inability to use household chemicals in cleaning machines? Mainly because it has low cleaning power and foams a lot. This significantly hinders the effective removal of dirt during cleaning. Professional chemicals are produced in such a way that no foam is produced when used in cleaning machines.

Professional chemicals save time and money

Professional cleaning team

What is the difference between professional and home chemicals in terms of saving time and money? The main difference is the concentration of active cleaning ingredients. Household cleaning products are usually much less concentrated than professional chemicals, which can be diluted with water. Due to the fact that household chemicals are less concentrated, it may mean that a much larger amount of cleaning agent will be needed to achieve the desired cleaning and dirt removal results than in the case of professional chemicals. Using more cleaning product will result in the need to purchase more cleaning products. This will translate into higher costs and a longer cleaning process.

Moreover, professional chemicals can be used more effectively. The use of professional chemicals allows you to reduce the number of products used for cleaning to achieve the same level of cleanliness and hygiene. Additionally, professional chemicals are often used on specific surfaces or materials. By using the right product for each task, you can save time and money. For this reason, even small cleaning companies find it much more profitable to use professional chemicals.

It is worth remembering the difference between professional and home chemicals. The use of specialized cleaning products guarantees faster, more effective and cheaper cleaning. This makes it more profitable, even for small cleaning companies.

To sum up, providing professional cleaning services also involves cost optimization. If we use professional chemicals, we can be sure that the service will be performed faster and with better results in the form of a clean, hygienic and safe surface.

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