What is the Sinner’s Circle and how does it help cleaning companies operate effectively?

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Every cleaning company should be effective in its work. Various treatments are behind such results. There are many factors that influence efficiency in this industry. If they are all put together, we can optimize our work. This will translate into success. In order to make their work effective, without downtime and economical in the use of cleaning agents, cleaning companies follow the so-called "Sinner's Circle". It is a tool, or rather an illustrative diagram, that is used to optimize and organize the work processes of a cleaning company.

What is Sinner’s Circle?

Starting from scratch, this tool was created in 1900 by Herbert Sinner. He was the manager for the application of cleaning agents technology at Henkel. To optimize the activities of cleaning companies using cleaning, cleaning and disinfection products, he created an innovative tool. It allows you to obtain the best cleaning results and profitability.

This can be very easily illustrated with a chart, because it contains four extremely important Sinner Factors, which include:

What does Sinner’s Circle look like in practice?

The factors presented above are interdependent and together they provide the maximum cleaning effect. Changing any of them must involve compensating this change with another factor in order to maintain an optimal cleaning effect. You can use an example because it will allow you to better understand the meaning of Sinner’s thought.

If there is a change in the concentration of the cleaning agent, then the mechanical operation should, for example, take longer (e.g. longer or more intensive abrasion). The same is true in another case. Lower temperature causes weaker action of the cleaning agent. This again extends the time of the entire cleaning operation.

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Well-trained cleaning staff know exactly how to combine these factors. For such people, working with optimal results comes relatively easily. This is also influenced by the professional preparations used by companies. The Clinex brand meets customer expectations and offers a wide range of products. Highly concentrated cleaning agents allow companies to use Sinner’s Circle without unnecessary changes to factors. Optimal doses effectively cope with even stubborn dirt. This translates into economics and effectively helps cleaning companies operate effectively.

When working in accordance with the principles of the Sinner wheel, cleaning always ends in success. Optimally performed work translates into savings because it increases profitability. Companies using Clinex products are very popular. This is influenced by the effectiveness and speed of operation as well as service price lists. Clinex products are highly concentrated detergents that effectively and quickly deal with even stubborn dirt. Thanks to optimal recipes, they allow for economical use. Savings in the company translate into attractive service rates, which drives the market.

What is effective cleaning?

It can be said with certainty that the Sinner Wheel is not only for professionals, but for everyone who cares about cleaning with proper results. There is no doubt that this approach to a given activity always provides maximum effectiveness. Following Sinner’s idea, you can easily improve and optimize cleaning in your own home. This not only saves time, but also economical use of cleaning agents.

The results of following Sinner’s idea and using Clinex products are very beneficial. Reducing the time needed to perform the service, better use of cleaning agents, or diluting concentrates is a saving in itself. To optimize your work, it is worth constantly using the idea sown by Herbert Sinner.

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