Knowledge basePractical advice and inspiration that will help you achieve perfect cleanliness everywhere. All Beauty Cleaning companies ClinexEDU Events Horeca Knowledge base Categories Beauty Cleaning companies ClinexEDU Events Horeca Knowledge base
Cleaning companiesWashing terraces – what and how to wash a terrace?Washing the terrace? We have effective methods for this. We present how and with what to wash the terrace, as well as what to watch out for when cleaning.
Cleaning companiesWorking at high temperatures when cleaningWorking in high temperatures poses a serious challenge for cleaners. What is better to avoid? We suggest
Cleaning companies HorecaMaintaining cleanliness at campsites and recreation centersCleaning campsites and resorts is important and affects customer satisfaction. How to clean campsites and recreation centers?
Cleaning companiesApartment cleaning – what to do and how to do it?Cleaning of apartments for rent must be fast and thorough. Apartment renters require cleanliness and impeccable hygiene. How to do this and what preparations to use?
Cleaning companiesApartment cleaning – what to do and how to do it?Apartment rental cleaning must be quick and thorough. Apartment tenants require cleanliness and impeccable hygiene. How to do it and what products to use?
Cleaning companiesRoof washing – how to clean the roof effectively?The roof has a very important function. In addition to changing weather conditions, it is exposed to mosses, algae, lichen or soot from the chimney. How and with what to wash the r
Cleaning companies Cleaning companiesMycie powierzchni zewnętrznychMycie powierzchni zewnętrznych to przede wszystkim utrzymanie zdrowego środowiska, estetyka, ale też dbałość o długowieczność materiałów budowlanych.
Cleaning companiesWashing external surfacesCleaning external surfaces is primarily about maintaining a healthy environment, aesthetics, but also ensuring the longevity of building materials.
Cleaning companiesBiosurfactants in the cleaning industryBiosurfactants are an increasingly important element in the cleaning industry and in the context of the perfume and air fresheners industry.