Clinex 4Hall

KTM: 77-659

Clinex 4Hall

Liquid for cleaning and caring for floors in large-scale facilities
Main properties:
  • Perfect for ongoing cleaning
  • Protects against re-soiling
  • Safe for surfaces
Machine washing Machine washing
Hand washing of floors Hand washing of floors
Packaging available: 5L 10L

Product description

Clinex 4Hall: skoncentrowany płyn do mycia i pielęgnacji posadzek w obiektach wielkopowierzchniowych

Clinex 4Hall is a concentrate of low-foaming liquid for cleaning and maintaining all types of waterproof floors . Perfect for removing stubborn, even difficult to wash dirt. At the same time, it creates a delicate polymer coating that protects the surface against re-soiling and facilitates the ongoing care process.

Efektywne Rozwiązanie dla Profesjonalnych Firm Sprzątających

For professional cleaning companies, Clinex 4Hall is an effective solution for keeping large areas clean. The concentrated, low-foaming formula ensures effective cleaning of floors. Our liquid for cleaning and maintaining floors minimizes the need for frequent repetition of treatments by creating a protective polymer coating. This not only increases work efficiency, but also reduces the costs associated with maintaining floors in places such as shopping malls , airports and production halls.

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