Clinex Floral Marseille Soap

KTM: 77-925

Clinex Floral Marseille Soap

Universal floor cleaning liquid
Main properties:
  • Extremely efficient
  • Does not leave streaks or stains
  • Delays the process of dirt settling
Floor cleaning Floor cleaning
Hand washing of floors Hand washing of floors
Packaging available: 1L 5L

Selection of fragrance:

Product description

Uniwersalny płyn do mycia podłóg o zapachu mydła marsylskiego.

Clinex Floral Mydło Marsylskie to kompozycja z delikatnym, świeżym, subtelnym zapachem z nutą oliwy z oliwek. Pozostawia długo utrzymujący się, przyjemny zapach.

Clinex Floral is a universal, concentrated floor cleaning liquid. It evaporates quickly, leaving no streaks or stains. It protects the surface and delays the process of dirt accumulation. Gives washed surfaces a delicate shine. Regular use of the preparation facilitates the subsequent washing process.

The product has a Health Quality Certificate issued by the National Institute of Hygiene.

The product is also available in other scents.

Technical data

  • Available capacities: 1L, 5L, 10L
  • pH~10
  • The product is ready to use
  • It has the National Institute of Hygiene Certificate

Product for professional use. Clinex Floral is intended for daily cleaning and care of all types of water-resistant floors. Especially recommended in public facilities such as offices, hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, cinemas, theaters, universities, schools, kindergartens, sports and entertainment facilities.

Downloadable documents
MSDS card - 77-925

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